Lecture 26: Hi-Tc Superconductors - Conclusions
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W. E. Pickett, "Electronic structure of the high-temperature oxide superconductors", Rev. Mod. Phys. 61, 433 (1989).
E. Dagotto, "Correlated Electrons in High Temperature Superconductors", Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 763 (1994).
M. Imada, A. Fujimori, and Y. Tokura, "Metal-Insulator Transitions", Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 1039 (1998).
A. Damascelli, Z. Hussain, and Z.-X. Shen, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors", Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473-541 (2003).

  1. Lattice structures and properties of the CuO materials
  2. Independent Electron theory of the CuO materials
  3. Reminder of what we expect from "Luttinger theorem"
  4. Experimental evidence indicates large effects of Electron Correlation
  5. Attempts to construct realistic theoretical models - How to use LDA in a different way
  6. But still no evidence of superconductivity in Hubbard Model!
  7. Conclusions