PHYS 101 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

James Scholar Credit

James Scholar Credit

In order to obtain James Scholars credit in Physics 101, you must complete the James Scholars homework assignment explained below. Please note that the grades on these assignments DO NOT affect your overall 101 grade IN ANY WAY.

In order to obtain honors credit for 101, you must obtain an Honors Credit Learning Agreement (HCLA) form, get it signed, and turn it in to your college office.

Where do I get the HCLA form?

If you are in the College of Engineering, you must obtain a paper form. These are available from the undergrad offices of the Physics Department (Loomis 231/233) or the College of Engineering (306 Engineering Hall).

If you are in the College of LAS, the whole process can be done online using an EHCLA (electronic HCLA). The instructions for obtaining an EHCLA were emailed to you by the LAS Honors Program. If you have lost this email, you can obtain a printout of the instructions from their office at Room 1 of the YMCA building.

How do I get the form signed?

College of Engineering: See your lecturer right after class; he or she will be happy to sign the paper form for you. You must then hand the signed form in to the College office in 306 Eng Hall.

College of LAS: Your electronic eHCLA will be sent by email to the course instructor, which should be your lecturer. They provide a virtual signature by simply replying to the email.

James Scholar Assignment

Your honors credit will be based on an assignment that involves reading a physics-based science article and writing a 500-1000 word summary of this article. The level of your explanation should be appropriate for teaching the material to junior or senior high school students. The article should come from a print edition of Scientific American, published sometime in the previous five years. Note that a printed version of the article you choose must be at least four pages long.

Spelling, grammar, and clarity of exposition will all play a role in the evaluation of your paper.

By Apr 7 you should e-mail the course director a proposal for the article you will read for your project. If possible, provide a photocopy of the article or a link to it if it is available online. The course director will get back to you right away (via e-mail) to tell you if your proposal is acceptable, or how to improve it.

By May 2 you should send your final written report to the course director via e-mail. Don't forget to put your name, netid, and the assignment name in the header and on your pages.