What's New in the Course

May 1st
The final slides for Module 8 ("Arms Control") have been posted.

April 26nd
Slides for Module 8 ("Arms Control") have been posted.

April 22nd
The final exam review session will be held on Thursday, May 3rd at 6:30 PM in 144 Loomis.

April 12th

April 10th
The slides for Module 7 ("Defending Against Nuclear Attacks") have been posted.

April 6th
The slides for Module 6 ("Nuclear Aresenals") have been updated.
The slides for Module 5 ("Delivery Systems") have been updated.

April 5th
The slides for Module 7 ("Defending Against Nuclear Attacks") have been updated.

April 3rd
The initial slides for Module 7 ("Defending Against Nuclear Attacks") have been posted.

March 14th
The initial slides for Module 6 ("Nuclear Arsenals") have been posted.

March 9th
The final slides for Module 5 ("Delivery Systems") have been posted.

March 4th
The Midterm Exam Review Session will be held on March 11 at 7:00 PM in Room 144 Loomis. Because the doors to the building will be locked, please enter Loomis through the south doors (off of Green Street).

February 28th
The final slides for Module 4 ("Nuclear Terrorism") have been posted.

February 21st
The initial slides for Module 4 ("Nuclear Terrorism") have been posted.

February 13th
Extra Credit Essay Opportunity B has been chosen. See the Writing Assignments page for details.

February 8th
The location of Extra Credit Essay Opportunity A has been changed to 331 Armory. See the Writing Assignments page for details.

February 7th
The final slides for Module 2 ("Nuclear Weapons") have been posted.

February 4th
The slides for Module 2 ("Nuclear Weapons") have been updated.

January 31st
The slides for Module 2 ("Nuclear Weapons") have been updated.
Extra Credit Essay Opportunity A has been assigned. See the Writing Assignments page for details.

January 26th
The initial slides for Module 2 ("Nuclear Weapons") have been posted.

January 24th
The final slides for Module 1 ("Introduction") have been posted.

January 20th
The slides for Module 1 ("Introduction") have been updated.

January 18th
Be sure to bring a few sheets of paper and a pen to class on Thursday, January 19th, so you can write your RE1v1 during the class.

January 18th
The initial slides for Module 1 ("Introduction") have been posted.

January 17th
First day of class.
For further information on the video "Race for the Superbomb", see:

Be sure to read the section of the Student Handbook on Avoiding Common Mistakes.