ABE 127 | Intro Agric & Biological Engr | | | | In Person | |
ABE 199 AB | ABE@Illinois Ambassador Train | | | | In Person | |
ABE 199 CHP | Water in the Global Environ | | | Online | | |
ABE 227 | Comp Aid Problem-Solving ABE I | | | | In Person | |
ABE 232 | Context Intl Interventions | | | | In Person | |
ABE 340 | Thermodynamics for ABE | | | | In Person | |
ABE 398 | Disaster Relief Res Study Tour | | | | In Person | |
ABE 430 | Project Management | | | Online | | |
ABE 436 | Renewable Energy Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
ABE 452 | Engrg for Disaster Resilience | | | | In Person | |
ABE 456 | Land & Water Resources Engrg | | | | In Person | |
ABE 459 | Drainage and Water Management | | | | In Person | |
ABE 466 | Engineering Off-Road Vehicles | | | Online | In Person | |
ABE 488 | Bioprocessing Biomass for Fuel | | | | In Person | |
ABE 498 AB | Applied Data Science in ABE | | | | In Person | |
ABE 498 RBH | Precision Agriculture Engineer | | | | In Person | |
ABE 498 XW1 | Eng Design for Solar SmartHome | | | Online | | |
ABE 501 | Grad Sem: Foundations Success | | | | In Person | |
ABE 532 | Advanced Contextual Design | | | | In Person | |
AE 100 | Intro to Aerospace Engineering | | | | In Person | |
AE 140 | CAD | | | | In Person | |
AE 199 DBF | Design, Build, Fly | | | | In Person | |
AE 199 ITR | Introduction to Rocketry | | | | In Person | |
AE 202 | Aerospace Flight Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
AE 298 RES | Research Seminar Mentoring | | | | In Person | |
AE 311 | Incompressible Flow | | | | In Person | |
AE 312 | Compressible Flow | | | | In Person | |
AE 321 | Mechs of Aerospace Structures | | | | In Person | |
AE 323 | Applied Aerospace Structures | | | | In Person | |
AE 352 | Aerospace Dynamical Systems | | | | In Person | |
AE 353 | Aerospace Control Systems | | | | In Person | |
AE 370 | Aerospace Numerical Methods | | | | In Person | |
AE 402 | Orbital Mechanics | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 412 | Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 416 | Applied Aerodynamics | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 420 | Finite Element Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 433 | Aerospace Propulsion | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 442 A1 | Aerospace Systems Design I | | | | In Person | |
AE 442 S1 | Aerospace Systems Design I | | | | In Person | |
AE 451 | Aeroelasticity | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 452 | Intro to Nonlinear Dyn & Vib | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 460 | Aerodynamics & Propulsion Lab | | | | In Person | |
AE 480 | Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 482 | Introduction to Robotics | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 483 | Autonomous Systems Lab | | | | In Person | |
AE 485 | Spacecraft Environments | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 498 CFD | Applied CFD | | | | In Person | |
AE 498 CFO | Applied CFD | | | Online | | |
AE 498 CO | AE System Safety Case Studies | | | Online | | |
AE 498 CS | AE System Safety Case Studies | | | Online | | |
AE 498 ONC | Sustainable Aviation | | | Online | | |
AE 498 SA | Sustainable Aviation | | | | In Person | |
AE 498 SAO | Sustainable Aviation | | | Online | | |
AE 498 SLO | Space Launch Vehicle Design | | | Online | | |
AE 498 SLV | Space Launch Vehicle Design | | | | In Person | |
AE 498 SS | Space Structures | | | | In Person | |
AE 498 SSO | Space Structures | | | Online | | |
AE 504 | Optimal Aerospace Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 512 | Molecular Gas Dynamics | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 529 | Viscoelasticity Theory | | | | In Person | |
AE 542 | Aerospace Syst Engineering I | | | Online | In Person | |
AE 598 EDO | Estimation of Dynamical System | | | Online | | |
AE 598 EDS | Estimation of Dynamical System | | | | In Person | |
AE 598 ONE | Estimation of Dynamical System | | | Online | | |
BIOE 100 | Undergraduate Open Seminar | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 120 | Introduction to Bioengineering | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 199 | Frontiers in Cancer Research | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 201 | Conservation Principles Bioeng | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 202 | Cell & Tissue Engineering Lab | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 206 | Cellular Bioengineering | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 210 | Linear Alg for Biomed Data Sci | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 298 HIT | Healthcare Innovation & Trans | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 302 | Modeling Human Physiology | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 303 | Quantitative Physiology Lab | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 380 | Biomedical Imaging | | | Online | | |
BIOE 400 | Bioengineering Senior Design | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 414 | Biomedical Instrumentation | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 415 | Biomedical Instrumentation Lab | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 420 | Intro Bio Control Systems | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 424 | Preclinical Molecular Imaging | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 430 | Intro Synthetic Biology | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 450 | Intro to Quantitative Pharma | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 476 | Tissue Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 482 | Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 483 | Biomed Computed Imaging System | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 485 | Comp Math for ML and Imaging | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 485 | Computational Math | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 488 | Applied Hi-Per Comp Image Sci | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 498 SR1 | Soft Robotics | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 498 ST1 | Surgical Technologies | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 498 TC1 | Tech for Cancer Diag & Therapy | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 500 | Graduate Seminar | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 502 | Bioengineering Professionalism | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 504 | Analytical Methods in Bioeng | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 505 | Computational Bioengineering | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 507 | Advanced Bioinstrumentation | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 516 | Advanced Biosensors | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 571 | Biological Measurement I | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 573 | Managing Business Operations | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 575 | Capstone Project | | | Online | In Person | |
BIOE 589 | Biomed Img Comp Capstone Prjct | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 598 PBO | Principles of Bioinstrumentati | | | Online | | |
BIOE 598 SR1 | Soft Robotics | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 598 SRO | Soft Robotics | | | Online | | |
BIOE 598 ST1 | Surgical Technologies | | | | In Person | |
BIOE 598 STO | Surgical Technologies | | | Online | | |
BIOE 598 TC1 | Tech for Cancer Diag & Therapy | | | | In Person | |
CEE 190 | Project-Based Intro to CEE | | | | In Person | |
CEE 201 | Systems Engrg & Economics | | | | In Person | |
CEE 202 | Engineering Risk & Uncertainty | | | | In Person | |
CEE 300 | Behavior of Materials | | | | In Person | |
CEE 310 | Transportation Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CEE 320 | Construction Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 330 | Environmental Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 331 | Fluid Dynamics in the Environm | | | | In Person | |
CEE 340 | Energy and Global Environment | | | | In Person | |
CEE 350 | Water Resources Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CEE 360 | Structural Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CEE 380 | Geotechnical Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CEE 401 | Concrete Materials | | | | In Person | |
CEE 405 | Asphalt Materials I | | | | In Person | |
CEE 406 | Pavement Design I | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 408 | Railroad Transportation Engrg | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 409 | Railroad Track Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 412 | High-Speed Rail Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 416 | Traffic Capacity Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 417 | Urban Transportation Planning | | | | In Person | |
CEE 421 | Construction Planning | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 422 | Construction Cost Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 433 | Water Technology and Policy | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 434 | Environmental Systems I | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 441 | Air Pollution Sources, Transport and Control | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 442 | Env Eng Principles, Physical | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 443 | Env Eng Principles, Chemical | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 444 | Env Eng Principles, Biological | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 450 | Surface Hydrology | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 451 | Environmental Fluid Mechanics | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 457 | Groundwater | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 458 | Water Resources Field Methods | | | | In Person | |
CEE 460 | Steel Structures I | | | | In Person | |
CEE 461 | Reinforced Concrete I | | | | In Person | |
CEE 463 | Reinforced Concrete II | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 465 | Design of Structural Systems | | | | In Person | |
CEE 470 | Structural Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 471 | Structural Mechanics | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 472 | Structural Dynamics I | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 473 | Wind Effects on Structures | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 483 | Soil Mechanics and Behavior | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 492 | Data Science for CEE | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 493 | Sustainable Design Eng Tech | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 495 | Professional Practice | | | | In Person | |
CEE 498 CE3 | Constr Equipment and Methods | | | | In Person | |
CEE 498 CE4 | Constr Equipment and Methods | | | | In Person | |
CEE 498 CO3 | Constr Equipment and Methods | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 CO4 | Constr Equipment & Methods | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 COC | Constr Equipment and Methods | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 CS3 | Construction Safety | | | | In Person | |
CEE 498 CS4 | Construction Safety | | | | In Person | |
CEE 498 CSC | Construction Safety | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 CSO | Construction Safety | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 RVO | Rail Vehicle Technology | | | Online | | |
CEE 498 RVT | Rail Vehicle Technology | | | | In Person | |
CEE 503 | Constr Matls Deterioration | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 526 | Construction Optimization | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 545 | Aerosol Sampling and Analysis | | | | In Person | |
CEE 551 | Open-Channel Hydraulics | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 574 | Probabilistic Loads and Design | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 576 | Nonlinear Finite Elements | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 578 | Structural Design Optimization | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 586 | Rock Mechanics and Behavior | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 587 | Applied Rock Mechanics | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 588 | Geotechnical Earthquake Engrg | | | Online | In Person | |
CEE 595 AG | Adv Environmental Engr Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 AIC | AI in Construction | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 ARO | Seminar | | | Online | | |
CEE 595 F | Geotechnical Engr Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 FO | Geotechnical Engr Seminar | | | Online | | |
CEE 595 G | Environmental Engr Seminar | | | Online | | |
CEE 595 MA | Materials Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 S | Structural Engr Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 SO | Structural Engr Seminar | | | Online | | |
CEE 595 SRM | Societal Risk Mngmt Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 SUS | Sustain & Resiliant Infrst Sys | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 T | Transportation Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 W | Hydro Engr Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CEE 595 WO | Hydro Engr Seminar | | | Online | | |
CEE 598 DL | Deep Learning for CEE | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 DLO | Deep Learning for CEE | | | Online | | |
CEE 598 GW | Globalization of Water | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 GWO | Globalization of Water | | | Online | | |
CEE 598 LM | Learning Methods in CE | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 LMO | Learning Methods in CE | | | Online | | |
CEE 598 SSD | Seismic Steel Design | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 SSO | Seismic Steel Design | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 TSA | Trasportation Safety Analysis | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 TSO | Transportation Safety Analysis | | | Online | | |
CEE 598 UTM | Urban Transportation Models | | | | In Person | |
CEE 598 UTO | Urban Transportation Models | | | Online | | |
CS 100 | Computer Science Orientation | | | | In Person | |
CS 101 | Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci | | | | In Person | |
CS 105 | Intro Computing: Non-Tech | | | | In Person | |
CS 107 | Data Science Discovery | | | | In Person | |
CS 124 | Intro to Computer Science I | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 128 | Intro to Computer Science II | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 173 | Discrete Structures | | | | In Person | |
CS 199 12 | CS 124 CA Training | | | Online | | |
CS 199 124 | Supplementary Proj for CS 124 | | | Online | | |
CS 199 128 | Supplementary Proj for CS 128 | | | Online | | |
CS 199 173 | Supplementary Proj for CS 173 | | | Online | | |
CS 199 196 | Pedagogy Practicum | | | Online | | |
CS 199 225 | Supplementary Proj for CS 225 | | | | In Person | |
CS 199 233 | Supplementary Proj for CS 233 | | | | In Person | |
CS 199 341 | Supplementary proj for CS 341 | | | Online | | |
CS 199 CAO | CA Training | | | Online | | |
CS 199 E28 | Even More Practice 128 | | | | In Person | |
CS 199 SOC | Technology and Society | | | | In Person | |
CS 199 STR | CS Stars Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 210 | Ethical & Professional Issues | | | | In Person | |
CS 211 CSP | Ethical & Professional Conduct | | | | In Person | |
CS 211 EA1 | Ethical & Professional Conduct | | | | In Person | |
CS 222 | Software Design Lab | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 225 | Data Structures | | | | In Person | |
CS 233 | Computer Architecture | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 307 | Model & Learning in Data Sci | | | | In Person | |
CS 340 | Intro to Computer Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 341 | System Programming | | | | In Person | |
CS 357 | Numerical Methods I | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 361 | Prob & Stat for Computer Sci | | | | In Person | |
CS 374 AL1 | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
CS 374 BL1 | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
CS 374 CSP | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
CS 400 | Accel Fund of Computing I | | | Online | | |
CS 401 | Accel Fund of Algorithms I | | | Online | | |
CS 407 | Cryptography | | | | In Person | |
CS 409 | The Art of Web Programming | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 410 | Text Information Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 411 | Database Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 412 CSP | Introduction to Data Mining | | | | In Person | |
CS 412 DSO | Introduction to Data Mining | | | Online | | |
CS 412 MC3 | Introduction to Data Mining | | | | In Person | |
CS 412 MC4 | Introduction to Data Mining | | | | In Person | |
CS 412 PG | Introduction to Data Mining | | | | In Person | |
CS 412 PU | Introduction to Data Mining | | | | In Person | |
CS 413 | Intro to Combinatorics | | | | In Person | |
CS 415 | Game Development | | | Online | | |
CS 418 | Interactive Computer Graphics | | | Online | | |
CS 421 | Progrmg Languages & Compilers | | | | In Person | |
CS 422 | Programming Language Design | | | | In Person | |
CS 423 | Operating Systems Design | | | | In Person | |
CS 424 | Real-Time Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 425 | Distributed Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 426 | Compiler Construction | | | | In Person | |
CS 427 | Software Engineering I | | | Online | | |
CS 433 | Computer System Organization | | | | In Person | |
CS 437 CSP | Networked IoT Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 437 DSO | Networked IoT Systems | | | Online | | |
CS 437 EKS | Wireless IoT systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 437 ITG | Networked IoT Systems | | | Online | | |
CS 437 ITU | Networked IoT Systems | | | Online | | |
CS 437 MCS | Networked IoT Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 438 | Communication Networks | | | | In Person | |
CS 439 | Wireless Networks | | | | In Person | |
CS 440 | Artificial Intelligence | | | | In Person | |
CS 441 | Applied Machine Learning | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 444 | Deep Learning for Compt Visn | | | | In Person | |
CS 445 | Computational Photography | | | | In Person | |
CS 446 | Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
CS 447 | Natural Language Processing | | | Online | | |
CS 450 | Numerical Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 460 | Security Laboratory | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 461 | Computer Security I | | | | In Person | |
CS 463 | Computer Security II | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 465 | User Interface Design | | | | In Person | |
CS 466 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | | | | In Person | |
CS 468 | Tech and Advertising Campaigns | | | | In Person | |
CS 470 | Social and Information Network | | | | In Person | |
CS 473 | Algorithms | | | | In Person | |
CS 474 | Logic in Computer Science | | | | In Person | |
CS 475 | Formal Models of Computation | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 476 | Program Verification | | | | In Person | |
CS 481 | Adv Stochastic Process & Appl | | | | In Person | |
CS 483 | Applied Parallel Programming | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 484 | Parallel Programming | | | Online | | |
CS 491 CAP | Adv Competitive Algorithm Prog | | | | In Person | |
CS 491 CB | Cyber Security Scholar Program | | | | In Person | |
CS 491 ECO | Excursions in Computing I | | | Online | | |
CS 491 EIT | Intro to Inclusive Terminology | | | | In Person | |
CS 492 | Senior Project I | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 CSP | Principles of Safe Autonomy | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 MC4 | Principles of Safe Autonomy | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 RC1 | Law &Policy Issues in CS | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 RCG | Law &Policy Issues in CS | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 RCU | Law &Policy Issues in CS | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 TC3 | Computational Geometry | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 TC4 | Computational Geometry | | | | In Person | |
CS 498 TCU | Computational Geometry | | | | In Person | |
CS 500 | Topics in Comp Ed Rsrch | | | | In Person | |
CS 511 | Advanced Data Management | | | | In Person | |
CS 514 | Adv Topics in Network Science | | | | In Person | |
CS 521 | Adv Topics in Pgm Systems | | | | In Person | |
CS 527 | Topics in Software Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CS 537 | Advanced Topics in IoT | | | | In Person | |
CS 538 | Advanced Computer Networking | | | | In Person | |
CS 539 | Distributed Algorithms | | | | In Person | |
CS 542 | Stat Reinforcement Learning | | | | In Person | |
CS 543 | Computer Vision | | | Online | In Person | |
CS 545 | Machine Learning for Signals | | | | In Person | |
CS 546 | Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing | | | | In Person | |
CS 547 | Deep Learning | | | Online | | |
CS 549 | Seminar in Cognitive Science | | | | In Person | |
CS 556 | Iterative & Multigrid Methods | | | | In Person | |
CS 562 | Adv. Trustworthy Mach. Lrng. | | | | In Person | |
CS 567 | Social Spaces | | | | In Person | |
CS 571 | Combinatorial Mathematics | | | | In Person | |
CS 579 | Computational Complexity | | | | In Person | |
CS 582 | ML for Bioinformatics | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 ACT | Advanced Compiler Technology | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 BAI | Biologically Plausible AI | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 CAP | Arch./Compilers/Parallel Comp. | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 CS | CS Colloquium | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 DEI | Div. Equity. Incl. Serv. Sem. | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 FMG | Formal Methods Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 IC | Interactive Computing | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 IG | Distributed Systems Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 LRS | Improving Your Research Skills | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 MCS | Seminar in Blockchains | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 MH | Scientific Computing Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 MLR | Machine Learning Reading Grp | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 PHD | PHD Orientation Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 SCH | PhD Job Search Prep | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 SE | Software Engineering Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 SN | Systems and Networking Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 SP | Security and Privacy | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 TA | Teaching Assistant Training | | | | In Person | |
CS 591 TAO | Teaching Assistant Training | | | Online | | |
CS 591 WN | Wireless Networking Seminar | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 AB | Endpt Threat Detect. & Invest. | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 AIE | AI Efficiency: Sys. & Algor. | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 AO2 | Foundations of Data Curation | | | Online | | |
CS 598 CC1 | Cloud Computing Capstone | | | Online | | |
CS 598 CSC | Topics in Graph Algorithms | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 CSS | Computational Social Science | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 DHT | Conversational AI | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 EVS | Tensor Computations | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 FLA | Systems for GenAI | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 JBR | ML for Software Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 JCR | ML for Software Engineering | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 JFG | Expansion, Codes, and Quantum | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 JH | Text Mining Large Lang. Models | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 KCC | Understanding LLMs AKA ChatGPT | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 KD | How to Do Research | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 KKH | ADV Comp. Topics in Robotics | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 KMC | Found. for Comp. Edu. Research | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 KPH | Foundations for Comp. Ed Res. | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 MRT | Quantum Information in TCS | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 PEN | LLM Post-pretraining | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 PSO | Practical Statistical Learning | | | Online | | |
CS 598 SFS | Computing & Global Developmnt | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 SHW | 3-D Vision | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 SMC | Methodological Pluralism | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 SPH | Methodological Pluralism | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 TAL | Lang., Interfaces, and Comm. | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 TZ | ML Algorithms for LLMs | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 WSI | ADV Wireless Networks and IOT | | | | In Person | |
CS 598 YOU | Deep Learning with Graphs | | | | In Person | |
CSE 401 | Numerical Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CSE 408 | Applied Parallel Programming | | | Online | In Person | |
CSE 414 | Algorithms | | | | In Person | |
CSE 422 | Computer System Organization | | | | In Person | |
CSE 423 | Operating Systems Design | | | | In Person | |
CSE 426 | Software Engineering I | | | Online | | |
CSE 427 | Interactive Computer Graphics | | | Online | | |
CSE 428 | Statistical Computing | | | | In Person | |
CSE 440 | Statistical Data Management | | | | In Person | |
CSE 441 | Introduction to Optimization | | | | In Person | |
CSE 448 | Advanced Data Analysis | | | | In Person | |
CSE 450 | Computational Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
CSE 451 | Finite Element Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
CSE 505 | Computational Bioengineering | | | | In Person | |
CSE 511 | Iterative & Multigrid Methods | | | | In Person | |
CSE 525 | Computational Statistics | | | | In Person | |
CSE 542 | Statistical Learning | | | Online | In Person | |
CSE 552 | Nonlinear Finite Elements | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 101 | Exploring Digital Information Technology | | | | In Person | |
ECE 110 | Introduction to Electronics | | | | In Person | |
ECE 120 | Introduction to Computing | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 198 JS1 | James Scholars Honors Course | | | | In Person | |
ECE 198 JS2 | James Scholars Honors Course | | | | In Person | |
ECE 199 | Undergraduate Open Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ECE 200 | Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ECE 205 | Electrical and Electronic Circuits | | | | In Person | |
ECE 206 | Electric and Electronic Circuits Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 210 | Analog Signal Processing | | | | In Person | |
ECE 211 | Analog Circuits & Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 217 | Solar Car | | | | In Person | |
ECE 220 | Computer Systems & Programming | | | | In Person | |
ECE 298 RR | Semiconductor Chips Revolution | | | | In Person | |
ECE 304 | Photonic Devices | | | | In Person | |
ECE 310 | Digital Signal Processing | | | | In Person | |
ECE 311 | Digital Signal Processing Lab | | | | In Person | |
ECE 313 | Probability with Engineering Applications | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 314 | Probability in Engineering Lab | | | | In Person | |
ECE 316 | Ethics and Engineering | | | | In Person | |
ECE 329 | Fields and Waves I | | | | In Person | |
ECE 330 | Power Circuits and Electromechanics | | | | In Person | |
ECE 333 | Green Electric Energy | | | | In Person | |
ECE 340 | Semiconductor Devices | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 342 | Electronic Circuits | | | | In Person | |
ECE 343 | Electronic Circuits Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 350 | Fields and Waves II | | | | In Person | |
ECE 364 | Programming Methods for ML | | | | In Person | |
ECE 374 AL1 | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
ECE 374 BL1 | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
ECE 374 BLZ | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
ECE 374 CSP | Intro to Algs & Models of Comp | | | | In Person | |
ECE 380 | Biomedical Imaging | | | Online | | |
ECE 385 | Digital Systems Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 391 | Computer Systems Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 395 | Advanced Digital Projects Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 398 JK | Robotics Project | | | | In Person | |
ECE 401 | Signal Processing | | | | In Person | |
ECE 402 | Electronic Music Synthesis | | | | In Person | |
ECE 407 | Cryptography | | | | In Person | |
ECE 408 | Applied Parallel Programming | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 411 | Computer Organization and Design | | | | In Person | |
ECE 414 | Biomedical Instrumentation | | | | In Person | |
ECE 415 | Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 420 | Embedded DSP Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 422 | Computer Security I | | | | In Person | |
ECE 424 | Computer Security II | | | | In Person | |
ECE 428 | Distributed Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 437 | Sensors and Instrumentation | | | | In Person | |
ECE 438 | Communication Networks | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 439 | Wireless Network | | | | In Person | |
ECE 444 | IC Device Theory & Fabrication | | | | In Person | |
ECE 445 | Senior Design Project Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 448 | Artificial Intelligence | | | | In Person | |
ECE 449 | Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
ECE 453 | Wireless Communication Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 455 | Optical Electronics | | | | In Person | |
ECE 459 | Communications Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 463 | Digital Communications Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 464 | Power Electronics | | | | In Person | |
ECE 469 | Power Electronics Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 470 | Introduction to Robotics | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 471 | Data Science Analytics using Probabilistic Graph Models | | | | In Person | |
ECE 473 | Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 476 | Power System Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 482 | Digital IC Design | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 484 | Principles of Safe Autonomy | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 486 | Control Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 490 | Introduction to Optimization | | | | In Person | |
ECE 491 | Numerical Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 493 | Advanced Engineering Math | | | | In Person | |
ECE 496 | Senior Research Project | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 AL3 | Trust Critical Infrastructure | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 AL4 | Electric Mobility Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 ALU | Electric Mobility Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 EC3 | Quantum Info Processing Theory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 EC4 | Quantum Info Processing Theory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 HK | Advanced VLSI System Design | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 MA | CMOS IC Design | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 MA2 | Radio-Frequency IC Design | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 NSG | VLSI in Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 NSU | VLSI in Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 ONL | Electric Mobility Systems | | | Online | | |
ECE 498 RK | Concepts in Computer Org & Des | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 SB3 | Manipulating Quantum Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 SB4 | Manipulating Quantum Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 YS3 | Engr. Electromagnetic Compatib | | | | In Person | |
ECE 498 YS4 | Engr. Electromagnetics Compati | | | | In Person | |
ECE 499 | Senior Thesis | | | | In Person | |
ECE 500 | ECE Colloquium | | | | In Person | |
ECE 514 | Advanced Biosensors | | | | In Person | |
ECE 515 | Control System Theory & Design | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 518 | Adv Semiconductor Nanotech | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 520 | Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 522 | Emerging Memory/Storage System | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 523 | Plasma Tech of Gaseous Elec | | | | In Person | |
ECE 526 | Distributed Algorithms | | | | In Person | |
ECE 529 | Light-Matter Interactions | | | | In Person | |
ECE 530 | Large-Scale System Analysis | | | | In Person | |
ECE 534 | Random Processes | | | | In Person | |
ECE 537 | Speech Processing Fundamentals | | | | In Person | |
ECE 549 | Computer Vision | | | Online | In Person | |
ECE 551 | Digital Signal Processing, II | | | | In Person | |
ECE 555 | Control of Stochastic Systems | | | | In Person | |
ECE 562 | Advanced Digital Communication | | | | In Person | |
ECE 563 | Information Theory | | | | In Person | |
ECE 566 | Computational Inference | | | | In Person | |
ECE 579 | Computational Complexity | | | | In Person | |
ECE 580 | Optimization by Vector Space Methods | | | | In Person | |
ECE 581 | Advanced Analog IC Design | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 BRL | Bioacoustics | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 CAP | Arch./Compilers/Parallel Comp. | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 K | Human-Centered Autonomy | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 SIP | Seminar: Speech | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 SP | Security and Privacy | | | | In Person | |
ECE 590 TL | Teaching and Leadership | | | | In Person | |
ECE 598 AL1 | Trust Critical Infrastructure | | | | In Person | |
ECE 598 HZ | Adv Topics in Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
ECE 598 YS | Super-Res Biomed Imaging | | | | In Person | |
ENG 100 | Engineering Orientation | | | | In Person | |
ENG 101 | Engineering at Illinois | | | | In Person | |
ENG 110 | Comm & Pres Engr | | | | In Person | |
ENG 111 | MEP Mentoring | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 GCH | Grand Challenges | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 GH | Honors Comm Eng & Dev-Jamaica | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 GSL | Global Comm Service- Bolivia | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SC1 | Career Dev Scholars | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SD1 | Glbl Disaster Res-Puerto Rico | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SG | Sustainable Goods | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SI1 | Innovation Scholars | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SL1 | Leadership Scholars | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SPV | Spatial Visualization | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SR1 | Research Scholars | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 SS1 | Global Sustainability-T&T | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 ST1 | Tech & Civic Engmnt Scholars | | | | In Person | |
ENG 177 TDO | Projects Scholars-Toy Design | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 ART | Engineering Mastery Lab | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 ARW | Engineering Mastery Lab | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 DSP | Prac for Prof Skill Devlpmnt | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 ISR | Undergraduate Research Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 KP | ELA Leadership | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 LAP | Instruction & Mentorship | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 MUX | Multicultural Experiences | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 PB1 | Introduction to Engineering | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 PLT | Undergraduate Open Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 TFL | Multicultural Experiences | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 UGR | Undergrad Research Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ENG 199 URS | URSA Program | | | Online | | |
ENG 211 | Empowering Academic Success | | | Online | | |
ENG 261 | Technology & Mgmt Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ENG 298 CYB | Cybersecurity Concepts & Pract | | | Online | | |
ENG 300 | Engrg Transfer Orientation | | | | In Person | |
ENG 310 | Engrng Internship - Full-Time | | | Online | | |
ENG 310 | Engrng Internship - Part-Time | | | Online | | |
ENG 310 | Engineering Internship | | | Online | | |
ENG 398 GE4 | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GE6 | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GE9 | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEB | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEJ | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEK | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEL | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEM | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEN | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEO | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEP | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GER | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GES | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GET | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 398 GEU | Grainger Engr: Design Your Exc | | | | In Person | |
ENG 411 | Technical Communications | | | | In Person | |
ENG 471 | Seminar Energy & Sustain Engrg | | | Online | In Person | |
ENG 491 CU1 | Cubesat 1 | | | | In Person | |
ENG 491 SAE | Automotive Design Projects | | | | In Person | |
ENG 498 GCM | Global Leaders in Constr Mgmt | | | | In Person | |
ENG 510 | Engineering Practice | | | | In Person | |
ENG 571 | Theory Energy & Sustain Engrg | | | Online | | |
ENG 572 | Professional Practicum | | | | In Person | |
ENG 573 | Capstone Project | | | | In Person | |
ENG 580 | Teaching and Leadership | | | | In Person | |
ENG 591 DEI | Diversity & Inclusion Service | | | | In Person | |
ENG 591 MF3 | Engineering Advanced Seminar | | | | In Person | |
ENG 591 PRO | Professional Seminar Series | | | | In Person | |
ENG 598 CPD | Career & Prof Development | | | | In Person | |
IE 300 AL1 | Analysis of Data | | | | In Person | |
IE 300 BL1 | Analysis of Data | | | | In Person | |
IE 310 | Determin Models in Optmzation | | | | In Person | |
IE 360 | Facilities Planning and Design | | | | In Person | |
IE 400 | Design & Anlys of Experiments | | | Online | | |
IE 405 | Computing for ISE | | | | In Person | |
IE 410 | Advanced Topics in Stochastic Processes & Applications | | | | In Person | |
IE 411 | Optimization of Large Systems | | | | In Person | |
IE 412 | OR Models for Mfg Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 421 | High Frequency Trading Tech | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 431 | Design for Six Sigma | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 441 | Work and Organization Design | | | | In Person | |
IE 445 | Human Perform & Cogn in Contxt | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 517 | Machine Learning in Fin Lab | | | | In Person | |
IE 521 | Convex Optimization | | | | In Person | |
IE 522 | Statistical Methods in Finance | | | | In Person | |
IE 523 | Financial Computing | | | | In Person | |
IE 524 A | Optimization in Finance | | | | In Person | |
IE 524 B | Optimization in Finance | | | | In Person | |
IE 527 | MSFE Professional Development | | | | In Person | |
IE 532 | Analysis of Network Data | | | | In Person | |
IE 534 | Deep Learning | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 590 | Seminar | | | Online | In Person | |
IE 598 CDM | Collective Decision Making | | | | In Person | |
IE 598 SC | Structured Credit | | | | In Person | |
IE 598 YX | Foundations of Modern ML | | | | In Person | |
ME 170 | Computer-Aided Design | | | | In Person | |
ME 199 | Automotive Design Projects-DES | | | | In Person | |
ME 199 | Automotive Design Projects-SAE | | | | In Person | |
ME 199 | Automotive Design Projects-ADV | | | | In Person | |
ME 200 AL1 | Thermodynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 200 AL2 | Thermodynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 270 | Design for Manufacturability | | | | In Person | |
ME 310 1ZJ | Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 310 3ZJ | Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 310 AL1 | Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 310 AL3 | Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 320 AL1 | Heat Transfer | | | | In Person | |
ME 320 AL2 | Heat Transfer | | | | In Person | |
ME 330 AL1 | Engineering Materials | | | | In Person | |
ME 330 AL2 | Engineering Materials | | | | In Person | |
ME 340 | Dynamics of Mechanical Systems | | | | In Person | |
ME 360 AL1 | Signal Processing | | | | In Person | |
ME 360 AL2 | Signal Processing | | | | In Person | |
ME 370 | Mechanical Design I | | | | In Person | |
ME 371 | Mechanical Design II | | | | In Person | |
ME 401 | Refrigeration and Cryogenics | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 403 | Internal Combustion Engines | | | Online | | |
ME 410 | Intermediate Gas Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
ME 411 | Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 420 | Intermediate Heat Transfer | | | | In Person | |
ME 430 | Failure of Engrg Materials | | | | In Person | |
ME 445 | Introduction to Robotics | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 451 | Computer-Aided Mfg Systems | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 453 | Data Sci in Mfg Quality Cntrl | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 458 | Add Mfg and Product Design | | | | In Person | |
ME 461 | Computer Cntrl of Mech Systems | | | | In Person | |
ME 462 | Advanced Computer Control | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 470 AL1 | Senior Design Project | | | | In Person | |
ME 471 | Finite Element Analysis | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 482 | Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
ME 487 | MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication | | | | In Person | |
ME 498 GR4 | Heat Pumps | | | Online | | |
ME 498 KN | Heat Pumps | | | Online | | |
ME 498 UG3 | Heat Pumps | | | Online | | |
ME 504 | Multiphase Systems & Processes | | | | In Person | |
ME 522 | Thermal Radiation | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 523 | Nanoscale Energy Transport | | | | In Person | |
ME 530 | Fatigue Analysis | | | | In Person | |
ME 540 | Control System Theory & Design | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 543 | Applied Control System Design | | | Online | | |
ME 562 | Robust Adaptive Control | | | | In Person | |
ME 586 | Mechanics of MEMS | | | | In Person | |
ME 588 | Nano-fab & Characterization | | | Online | In Person | |
ME 597 | Advanced Computer Control | | | | In Person | |
ME 598 EC1 | Electronics Cooling | | | | In Person | |
ME 598 ECC | Electronics Cooling | | | Online | | |
ME 598 ECO | Electronics Cooling | | | Online | | |
ME 598 GB1 | Emergent Phenomena w/photons | | | | In Person | |
ME 598 JWM | MicroNano Fabrication Capstone | | | | In Person | |
MSE 101 | Materials in Today's World | | | | In Person | |
MSE 182 | Introduction to MatSE | | | | In Person | |
MSE 201 | Phases and Phase Relations | | | | In Person | |
MSE 280 | Engineering Materials | | | | In Person | |
MSE 307 | Materials Laboratory I | | | | In Person | |
MSE 396 | Introduction to Research | | | | In Person | |
MSE 401 | Thermodynamics of Materials | | | | In Person | |
MSE 403 | Synthesis of Materials | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 CP | Ceramic Processing | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 MAC | Computational MSE- Macroscale | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 MIC | Computational MSE- Microscale | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PC1 | Polymer Characterization | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PC2 | Polymer Characterization | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PC3 | Polymer Characterization | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PS1 | Polymer Synthesis | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PS2 | Polymer Synthesis | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 PS3 | Polymer Synthesis | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 TE1 | Thin Film Electrical Proprties | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 TE2 | Thin Film Electrical Proprties | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 TM1 | Thin Film Mechanical Proprties | | | | In Person | |
MSE 404 TM2 | Thin Film Mechanical Proprties | | | | In Person | |
MSE 406 | Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls | | | | In Person | |
MSE 421 | Ceramic Processing | | | | In Person | |
MSE 443 | Design of Engineering Alloys | | | | In Person | |
MSE 457 | Polymer Chemistry | | | | In Person | |
MSE 461 | Electronic Materials II | | | | In Person | |
MSE 464 | Magnetic Mat'ls & Applications | | | | In Person | |
MSE 470 | Design and Use of Biomaterials | | | | In Person | |
MSE 480 | Surfaces and Colloids | | | | In Person | |
MSE 489 | Matl Select for Sustainability | | | | In Person | |
MSE 492 | Lab Safety Fundamentals | | | | In Person | |
MSE 494 | Materials Design Thinking | | | | In Person | |
MSE 500 | Statistical Thermodyn of Matls | | | | In Person | |
MSE 501 | Kinetic Processes in Materials | | | | In Person | |
MSE 529 | Hard Materials Seminar | | | | In Person | |
MSE 559 | Soft Materials Seminar | | | | In Person | |
MSE 584 | Point and Line Defects | | | | In Person | |
MSE 590 | Research Seminars | | | | In Person | |
MSE 595 | Materials Colloquium | | | | In Person | |
MSE 598 QC | NanoEng in Complex Soft Matls | | | | In Person | |
NE 100 | Intro to Neural Engineering | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 100 | Orientation to NPRE | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 200 | Mathematics for NPRE | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 201 | Energy Systems | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 247 | Modeling Nuclear Energy System | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 321 | Intro to Plasmas & Application | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 330 | Materials in Nuclear Engrg | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 402 | Nuclear Power Engineering | | | Online | In Person | |
NPRE 413 | Nucl Separ & Fuel Reprocessing | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 423 | Plasma Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 432 | Nuclear Engrg Materials Lab | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 435 | Radiological Imaging | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 445 | Interact of Radiation w/Matter | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 449 | Nuclear Syst Engrg & Design | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 451 | NPRE Laboratory | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 452 | Adv Radiological Science Lab | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 457 | Safety Anlys Nucl Reactor Syst | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 461 | Probabilistic Risk Assessment | | | Online | In Person | |
NPRE 481 | Writing on Technol & Security | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 498 D | Decommission Nucl Facilities | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 498 ESG | Energy Storage Systems | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 498 ESO | Energy Storage Systems | | | Online | | |
NPRE 498 ESU | Energy Storage Systems | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 498 PL1 | Plasma Laboratory Extension 1 | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 498 PL2 | Plasma Laboratory Extension 2 | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 501 | Fundamentals of Nuclear Engrg | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 527 | Plasma Tech of Gaseous Elec | | | | In Person | |
NPRE 560 | Reactor Kinetics and Dynamics | | | Online | In Person | |
NPRE 596 | Seminar in Nuclear Sci & Engrg | | | Online | In Person | |
NPRE 598 CP | Computational Plasma Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 100 | Thinking About Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 101 | College Physics: Mech & Heat | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 102 | College Physics: E&M & Modern | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 110 | Physics Careers | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 211 | University Physics: Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 212 | University Physics: Elec & Mag | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 213 | University Physics: Thermal Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 214 | University Physics: Quantum Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 222 | Enrichment E & M | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 225 | Relativity & Math Applications | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 246 | An Introduction to Modern Computational Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 325 | Classical Mechanics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 326 | Classical Mechanics II | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 329 | Atmospheric Dynamics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 370 | Intro to Quant Info and Comp | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 394 | Pedagogy Teaching Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 398 DAP | Probability and Data Analysis | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 401 | Classical Physics Lab | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 402 | Light | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 403 | Modern Experimental Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 407 | Exp Bio Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 419 | Space, Time, and Matter-ACP | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 420 | Space, Time, and Matter | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 427 | Thermal & Statistical Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 435 | Electromagnetic Fields I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 436 | Electromagnetic Fields II | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 485 | Atomic Phys & Quantum Theory | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 486 | Quantum Physics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 487 | Quantum Physics II | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 495 | Where the Arts Meets Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 496 | Communicating in Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 503 | Instrumentation Physics: Applications of Machine Learning | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 505 | Classical Electromagnetism | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 508 | Mathematical Physics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 514 | Modern Atomic Physics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 515 | General Relativity I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 523 | Instrumentation and Applied Physics Project | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 524 | Survey of Instrumentation and Laboratory Techniques | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 540 | Astrophysics | | | Online | | |
PHYS 561 | Condensed Matter Physics II | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 575 | Particle Physics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 580 | Quantum Mechanics I | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 582 | General Field Theory | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 596 | Graduate Physics Orientation | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 598 CPA | Computational Physics and Astrophysics | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 598 NST | Neutron Stars | | | | In Person | |
PHYS 598 TPH | Topological Phases in Quantum Condensed Matter | | | | In Person | |
SE 100 | Introduction to ISE | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABA | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABB | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABC | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABD | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABE | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 ABF | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBA | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBB | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBC | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBD | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBE | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBF | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBG | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 101 BBH | Engineering Graphics & Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 261 | Business Side of Engineering | | | | In Person | |
SE 290 | ISE Undergraduate Seminar | | | | In Person | |
SE 310 | Dsgn of Structures & Mechanism | | | | In Person | |
SE 320 | Control Systems | | | | In Person | |
SE 361 | Emotional Intelligence Skills | | | | In Person | |
SE 400 | Engineering Law | | | | In Person | |
SE 402 | Comp-Aided Product Realization | | | | In Person | |
SE 410 | Component Design | | | | In Person | |
SE 412 | Nondestructive Evaluation | | | | In Person | |
SE 420 | Digital Control Systems | | | | In Person | |
SE 450 | Decision Analysis I | | | | In Person | |
SE 494 | Senior Engineering Project I | | | | In Person | |
SE 495 | Senior Engineering Project II | | | | In Person | |
SE 590 | Seminar | | | | In Person | |
SE 598 | Research in P-12 Engineering | | | Online | | |
TAM 195 | Mechanics in the Modern World | | | | In Person | |
TAM 201 | Mechanics for Technol & Mgmt | | | | In Person | |
TAM 210 | Introduction to Statics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 211 | Statics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 212 | Introductory Dynamics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 251 | Introductory Solid Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 270 | Design for Manufacturability | | | | In Person | |
TAM 324 | Behavior of Materials | | | | In Person | |
TAM 335 AL1 | Introductory Fluid Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 335 AL2 | Introductory Fluid Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 413 | Fund of Engrg Acoustics | | | Online | In Person | |
TAM 416 | Intro to Nonlinear Dyn & Vib | | | Online | In Person | |
TAM 424 | Mechanics of Structural Metals | | | | In Person | |
TAM 435 | Intermediate Fluid Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 451 | Intermediate Solid Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 470 | Computational Mechanics | | | Online | In Person | |
TAM 529 | Viscoelasticity Theory | | | | In Person | |
TAM 531 | Inviscid Flow | | | | In Person | |
TAM 539 | Fluid Mechanics Seminar | | | | In Person | |
TAM 541 | Mathematical Methods I | | | | In Person | |
TAM 545 | Advanced Continuum Mechanics | | | | In Person | |
TAM 549 | Asymptotic Methods | | | | In Person | |
TAM 551 | Solid Mechanics I | | | | In Person | |
TAM 598 CML | Mechanics of Solid Polymers | | | | In Person | |
TE 100 | Introduction to Innovation, Leadership, & Engineering Entrepreneurship | | | | In Person | |
TE 110 | Communicating and Presenting in Engineering | | | | In Person | |
TE 198 FIE | Foundations of Innovation | | | Online | | |
TE 200 | Introduction to Innovation | | | | In Person | |
TE 230 | Design Thinking/Need Finding | | | | In Person | |
TE 250 | From Idea to Enterprise | | | | In Person | |
TE 333 | Creativity, Innovation, Vision | | | | In Person | |
TE 360 | Lectures in Engineering Entrepreneurship | | | | In Person | |
TE 401 H | Develop Breakthrough Projects | | | | In Person | |
TE 440 | Engineering City Scholars | | | | In Person | |
TE 450 | Startups: Incorporation, Funding, Contracts, & Intellectual Property | | | | In Person | |
TE 460 | Lectures in Engineering Entrepreneurship | | | Online | In Person | |
TE 461 | Technology Entrepreneurship | | | Online | In Person | |
TE 466 | High-Tech Venture Marketing | | | Online | | |
TE 498 MAI | Transforming Marketing with AI | | | Online | | |
TE 498 ONL | Transforming Marketing with AI | | | Online | | |
TE 510 | Advanced Creativity | | | | In Person | |
TE 565 | Technology, Innovation, & Strategy | | | Online | | |
TE 566 | Finance for Engineering Management | | | Online | | |
TE 567 | Venture Funded Startups | | | Online | In Person | |
TE 598 AI0 | Idea to AI Enterprise | | | | In Person | |
TE 598 MDD | Medical Device Development | | | | In Person | |