PHYS 435 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Physics 435 Course Description


Lectures take place MWF 9-9:50 am in 144 Loomis. Lectures are in-person only; there is no Zoom or asynchronous option. Lecture notes will be posted on the course schedule the weekend after class so you can refer to what we discussed.

Phys 435 uses mandatory attendance, which means you receive 10% of the points in the course by attending the lecture in person. We will start taking attendance on Monday January 22. Attendance will be taken during class using iClickers. Your lowest three attendance scores will be dropped, i.e., you can miss three classes without penality.

To receive participation credit, you will have to get an iClicker. You can purchase one new at any of the local bookstores. There are also many cheap ones for sale on EBay. Be sure you register your iClicker in the gradebook.


There will be one homework set assigned each week. Homework is available on the course syllabus and will be due at 5 pm on Friday. Homework will be handed in, graded, and returned using Gradescope. Please create a Gradescope account, if you do not have one already.

A 30% penalty will be charged for late homework handed in by 5 pm on the Friday a week following the deadline. After that time, no credit will be given.

Use Gradescope code 2BGWRW to add Phys 435.


Discussion sections take place on Mondays in person in 4036 Campus Instructional Facility, during which you will break up into tables of 3-4 people and work E&M problems. There will be four 1-hour sections between 4-8 PM. The purpose of Discussion is to get you talking physics with your classmates and the TAs, which is an important part of how real problems get solved. Grading is pass-fail and based on whether you engaged with other people and succeeded in solving the problem.


There will be three hour exams as indicated on the course syllabus. They will take place in person in class and will be handed in on paper, and returned during your Discussion section.

Academic Integrity

All activities in this course, including documentation submitted for petition for an excused absence, are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.