PHYS 513 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Tentative Schedule
Week | Date | Lecture Number | Title | Slides | Readings/Handouts | Homework |
1 | Tuesday | 1 | Photons, what, and how do we know they exist | DOE Quantum Roadmap | Homework 1 (solutions) | |
Thursday 1/23/2025 | 2 | Interference, Massive-particle | Lect2-2025.pptx |
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2 | Tuesday | 3 | Massive particle,Correlation functions | Lect3-2025.pptx |
| Homework 2 (solutions) |
Thursday | 4 | Correlation functions, Single-photon sources, Detectors | Lect4-2025.pptx | High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources |
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3 | Tuesday | 5 | HBTwiss, Phase-space description | Lect5-HBT.pptx | Homework 3 (solutions) | |
Thursday | 6 | Squeezing | Lect6-Squeezing.pptx |
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4 | Tuesday | 7 | Classic 'quantum interference', BEC | Lect7-PfleegorBECInterference |
Thursday | 8 | SPDC intro | Lect8-SPDCExperimentsHOM.pptx |
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5 | Tuesday | 9 | 2-photon interference | Lect9-SPDCExperiments.pptx | ||
Thursday | 10 | Qubits, Bloch sphere, NMR basics | Lect10-FWM-qubits-Rabi.pptx |
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6 | Tuesday | 11 | Light-atom interactions, Quantum Zeno effect | Lect11-Atomic-Zeno-IFM.pptx | ||
Thursday | 12 | Cavity effects | Lect12Cavity.pptx |
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7 | Tuesday | 13 | Cavity QED, Rabi vs Ramsey fringes | Lect13CavityQED.pptx | ||
Thursday | 14 | QND | Lect14QND.pptx |
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8 | Tuesday | 15 | BI experiments |
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Thursday | 16 | Other tests of nonlocality |
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9 | Tuesday | 17 | Quantum metrology |
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Thursday | 18 | Quantum metrology |
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10 | Tuesday | 19 | Quantum dense coding, cryptography | Lect19DenseCodingQKD.pptx |
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Thursday | 20 | Quantum cryptography | Lect20QKD-teleportation.pptx |
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11 | Tuesday | 21 | Quantum networking
| Lect21teleportationNetworking.pptx |
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Thursday | 22 | Quantum networking, cont. | Lect22QInfoTheory.pptx |
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12 | Tuesday | 23 | Entanglement measures, distillation, Quantum tomography, Quantum gates |
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Thursday | 24 | Quantum algorithms | Lect24QComp.pptx |
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13 | Tuesday | 25 | Q error correction | Lect25ErrorCorrection.pptx |
Thursday | 26 | Q error correction, continued/non-circuit model processing |
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14 | Tuesday | 27 | Project presentations |
Thursday | 28 | Project presentations
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15 | Tuesday | 29 | Project presentations