PHYS 598 NST :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.


Your final grade for Physics 598 NST will be based upon your total score on all the components of the course. The total possible score is 1000 points.

Course Component Number of Assignments Number Dropped per Semester Maximum Points per Semester
Homework 7 to 9 0 700
Final exam 1 0 250
Attendance and participation  N/A N/A 50

Final Grade

The following cutoff table will be used to calculate final scores.

Final Grade Minimum Points
A+ 970
A 930
A- 890
B+ 850
B 810
B- 770
C+ 730
C 690
C- 650
D+ 600
D 550
D- 500
F <500


Given a HW set with N problems, the total number of points of the set is 100 pts. For a given HW set, the TAs will assign a certain number of points to each problem, so the sum of all the problems equals 100. For any given HW problem, the assignments of points will be as follows:

Percentage Earned In a Given Problem Reasoning for Assignment Explanation
0.00% No response / missing item Blank or many missing items
25.00% Minimum Final answer is not correct and all the rubric questions are negative
50.00% Half right Final answer is not correct and most of the rubric questions are negative, so no clear path towards a solution was written
75.00% Minor mistake Final answer is not correct or few of the rubric questions are negative, yet a clear path towards a solution was written
90.00% Silly mistake Silly errors, like numerical errors but with correct final expression or wrong units in a figure with correct functional shape.
100.00% Full credit Final answer is correct and all the rubric questions are positive

Rubric questions: