Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59pm Central Standard Time (CST).

Due Date Assignment
4/10 Assignment for the 12th week code review: Better Linked List
4/03 Assignment for the 11th week code review: Snake Linked List
3/26-3/31 openFrameworks expample build for code review
3/27 Assignment for the 10th week code review: Redo
3/13 Assignment for the 9th week code review: Naive Bayes
3/6 The Unix 'word count (wc) and grep' assignment is up on the CS 126 PrairieLearn.
3/6 Assignment for the 8th week code review: Frequency Count
2/27 Assignment for the 7th week code review: Simulation,Simulation2
2/20 Assignment for the 6th week code review: Gin rummy
2/20 The second Unix assignment is up on the CS 126 PrairieLearn. There are six questions and you'll have to do each twice to get full points.
2/16 The first Unix assignment is up on the CS 126 PrairieLearn. There is a single question and you'll have to do it twice to get full points.
2/13 Assignment for the 5th week code review: Adventure II
2/6 Assignment for the 4th week code review: Adventure
1/30 Assignment for the 3rd week code review: CourseGrades
1/29 A course policy quiz via the CS 126 PrairieLearn
1/23 Assignment for the 2nd week code review due: CamelCaser
1/19 Complete the code review survey.
1/18 Clone the Introduction git repo and edit it to put in your netid.