ECE 205: Introduction to Electric and Electronic Circuits


The final in the course will be determined by the following criteria:

Homework: 15%
Exams: 35%
Labs: 25%
Final Exam: 25%

Exams Dates:

You are allowed 1 sheet (front and back) of hand written notes for the exam.

Date Time Location Formula SheetSolutions
06/30 8:50 AM - 9:50 AM 2017 ECEB Formula Sheet Soln A
07/14 8:50 AM - 9:50 AM 2017 ECEB Formula Sheet Soln A
07/28 8:50 PM - 9:50 PM 2017 ECEB Formula Sheet Soln A

Past Quizzes

  • Spring 2016

Quiz 1,Sol Quiz 2,Sol Quiz 3, SolQuiz 4, SolQuiz 5, Sol
  • Fall 2016

Quiz 1,Sol Quiz 2,Sol Quiz 3A, Soln 3AQuiz 3B, Soln 3BQuiz 3C, Soln 3C
Quiz 4A, Soln 4AQuiz 4B, Soln 4BQuiz 4C, Soln 4C
Quiz 5A, Soln 5AQuiz 5B, Soln 5BQuiz 5C, Soln 5C

Final Exam: