ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing

Summer 2019 Videos

Past Video Lectures

By Prof. Farzad Kamalabadi

Note: These videos include material no longer covered in ECE 310. We will be presenting a subset of them in a different order, as shown in the course outline.

Video            Topic            
1 DSP Overview
2 Linear Systems
3 Difference Equations
4 Difference Equations: Examples
5 Complex Numbers Review
6 One-Sided Z Transform
7 Inverse One-Sided Z Transform
8 Difference Equations and the Z Transform
9 LSI Systems and Convolution
10 Graphical Convolution Examples
11 Two-Sided Z Transform
12 Two-Sided Z Transform Continued
13 Convolution and the Z Transform
14 System Analysis Using the Z Transform
15 Stability
16 Stability: Examples
17 Discrete Time Fourier Transform
18 Discrete Time Fourier Transform-Examples
19 Discrete-Time Frequency Response
20 Phase of the Frequency Response
21 Sampling
22 Sampling Examples
23 D/A Conversion, ZOH
24 Interpolation and Oversampling D/A
25 Oversampling D/A and A/D
26 Decimation and Oversampling A/D
27 Discrete-Time Filters
28 Generalized Linear Phase
29 FIR Filter Design: Windows
30 FIR Filter Design: Parks-McClellan
31 IIR Filter Design: Analog Prototypes
32 IIR Filter Design: Bilinear Transform
33 System Function and Frequency Response
34 Discrete Fourier Transform
35 Filter Design: Frequency Sampling
36 Spectral Analysis
37 Fast Fourier Transform
38 Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Convolution
39 Applications: Speech and Image Processing
40 Summary