ECE398BD: Audio and Visual Analytics (Lectures)


Lecture Topic Notes
Lecture 1 Physics of audio and visual signals. Signal acquisition and sampling notes
Lecture 2 Audio spectral analysis: windowing, DFT, short-time Fourier transform notes
Lecture 3 Clustering of audio and visual features. Audio and image segmentation notes, speaker_recognition
Lecture 4 Audio content identification. Example: Shazam system notes, shazam1, shazam
Lecture 5 Visual feature detection and description. SIFT notes, SIFT
Lecture 6 Visual search and correspondence by feature matching notes, Spatial Pyramid Matching, Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Lecture 7 Audio and visual recognition using deep learning notes Deep Learning paper
Lecture 8 Video analytics: background modeling and subtraction notes Background Subtraction
Lecture 9 Video analytics: motion detection and tracking notes YOLO KCF Tracking
Lecture 10 Review of audio-visual analytics notes

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