

After the 7 structured labs that cover basic digital signal processing (DSP) operations, ECE 420 students will explore in depth a chosen fundamental DSP algorithm using Python for 2 weeks on prototype.

Later, the final projects should be built upon the prototype. Students have to demonstrate their understanding of the algorithm and its implementation through oral quiz during the demo and presentation.

Students have to develop a testing and validation plan to demonstrate that the high-level implementation works. Methodology and results should be included in the prototype proposal.

Prototype Proposal

Latex Template

Prior to the start of the prototype, a proposal must be submitted outlining the work to be performed. There is not a formal required structure for the proposal, but it should address the following items.

Prototype Proposal
  1. Introduction to the project, including the final goal of the project. State the rough ideas for Final Project applications.

  2. Overview of the algorithm to be implemented, including citation of sources.

  3. Plan for testing and validation of the algorithm's implementation.

There is not a strict page requirement, but 2-4 pages is a reasonable range to consider.

Prototype Demo and Presentation

The Prototype Presentation will consist of a prepared oral presentation with supporting visuals (e.g., PowerPoint), to an expert panel consisting of the ECE 420 teaching staff and possibly additional outside experts, describing in detail the project goals, the proposed project design, the background research findings or other arguments leading to the selection of this approach as the preferred solution, and a plan for completion including milestones, timetables, and individual responsibilities or work packages. A test and verification plan must also be included.

The Prototype Demo will involve a live demonstration of the results and outcomes of the prototype.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Thomas Moon. Last modified: October 05, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.