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ECE 486 Lecture Slides

by Prof Maxim Raginsky and Prof Daniel Liberzon

Date Topic Additional Reading In-Class Problems
08/27 Introduction to feedback control

Historical overview

FPE Ch. 1, Control - A perspective  
08/29 ODEs and LTI systems;Convolution ;Laplace Transform and Transfer Functions FPE Sections 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 - 2.4; Old slides Problem_lec02;Solutions
09/03 Response of Linear ODEs;Method of Partial Fractions FPE Section 3.1, Appendix A;Old slides Problem_lec03;Solutions
09/05 Time domain performance;First-order step response FPE Section 3.3 - 3.4, Lab manual;Old slides Problem_lec04;Solutions
09/10 Second-order step response; Interconnections;Block diagrams Old slides Problem_lec05;Solutions
09/12 DC Gain & Final Value Theorem;Effect of Extra Poles and Zeros;Stability FPE Sections 3.5 - 3.6;Old slides Problem_lec06;Solutions
09/17 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion;Summary of Control Design Issues;Open-Loop Control;Proportional Control FPE Sections 4.1, Lab manual;Old slides Problem_lec07;Solutions
09/19 Proportional-Integral Control;Proportional-Derivative Control FPE Sections 4.2 - 4.3, Lab manual Problem_lec08;Solutions
09/24 Dominant Pole Approximation;PI Tuning for First-Order Systems;PID Tuning for Second-Order Systems A classic paper and a relatively recent survey Problem_lec09;Solutions
09/26 Review of PI Tuning    
10/01 Review of PID Pole Placement;Integrator Anti-windup    
10/03 Introduction to Root Locus design method;Rules ABC FPE Chapter 5 Problem_lec11;Solutions
10/08 Root Locus Rules DEF;Case Study on Design FPE Chapter 5 Problem_lec12;Solutions
10/10 Steady State Sinusoidal Response;Bode Plots;Example: First-order Systems FPE Section 6.1 Problem_lec13;Solutions
10/15 Bode Plots for 2nd-Order Systems;Frequency Content of Signals;Intro to Bode Plots of Higher-Order Systems FPE Section 6.1 Problem_lec14;Solutions
10/17 Bode Plots for General Systems FPE Chapter 6  
10/22 In-Class Review    
10/24 Midterm    
10/29 Sensitivity Functions;Gain Margin;Phase Margin FPE Chapter 6 Problem_lec16;Solutions
10/31 Bode Plots for Gain/Phase Margins;Bode Gain-Phase Relationship;Lead Compensator FPE Chapter 6  
11/05 Nyquist Plots;Cauchy's Argument Principle;NyquistStabilityCondition;Margins from Nyquist Plots FPE Chapter 6  
11/07 Nyquist Stability Condition with Varying K;Lag Compensator FPE Chapters 5-6  
11/12 Loop ShapingControl Law Implementation    
11/14 State-space models;Lecture 21: Introduction to state-space design FPE Chapter 7  
11/19 Lecture 22: Controllability, stability, & pole-zero cancellations; similarity transformation; canonical forms FPE Chapter 7  
11/21 Lecture 23: Pole placement by full state feedback FPE Chapter 7  
12/03 Lecture 24: Observer design for state estimation FPE Chapter 7  
12/05 Lecture 25: Dynamic output feedback;Linearization of Nonlinear Models FPE Chapter 7 Practice Problems for Linearization
12/10 In-class review Good luck!