ECE 581: Advanced Analog IC DesignCOVID policy:Following University policy, all students are required to engage in appropriate behavior to protect the health and safety of the community. Students are also required to follow the campus COVID-19 protocols. Students who feel ill must not come to class. In addition, students who test positive for COVID-19 or have had an exposure that requires testing and/or quarantine must not attend class. The University will provide information to the instructor, in a manner that complies with privacy laws, about students in these latter categories. These students are judged to have excused absences for the class period and should contact the instructor via email about making up the work. Students who fail to abide by these rules will first be asked to comply; if they refuse, they will be required to leave the classroom immediately. If a student is asked to leave the classroom, the noncompliant student will be judged to have an unexcused absence and reported to the Office for Student Conflict Resolution for disciplinary action. Accumulation of non-compliance complaints against a student may result in dismissal from the University. Instructor:Dr. Pavan Kumar Hanumolu (hanumolu[at]illinois[dot]edu) Teaching Assistant:
Nilanjan Pal (pal6[at]illinois[dot]edu) Lectures(Zoom Link):
3013 Electrical & Computer Engineering Building , Prerequisites:ECE 483 (or equivalent) Textbooks:No textbook is required. Reference Books: