PHYS 100 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Final Exam
The date(s) of the Final Exam are:
- Regular Exam: Tuesday 12/19, 7PM - 8:30PM
- Conflict Exam: Thursday, 12/21, 8AM - 9:30AM
You sign up for the conflict exam in your gradebook. The deadline for signing up for the conflict exam is Wednesday 12/13, 5PM. If you are not able to take neither the regular exam nor the conflict exam, you must submit a request for a special conflict exam to Kate Shunk at the Physics Undergraduate Office. The deadline for requesting a special conflict exam is Wednesday 12/13, 5PM.
For more information on the location of your exam, click here.
Extra office hours
In connection with final exam, we are offering extra office hours on
- Monday 12/18, 10AM - 4PM in 279 Loomis
- Tuesday 12/19, 10AM - 4PM in 279 Loomis
Quest 6 retake
Please remember to sign up for Quest 6 retake. You can complete Quest 6 retake between Fr. 12/8 - Mo. 12/11.
Quest 6 retake is based on all the material covered in the course and serves as a review quest for the final exam. You can use Practice Quest 6 - and all other practice quests! - to prepare for Quest 6 retake.
About calculators at CBTF: you cannot use your own calculator, but the CBTF computers have a calculator that does have trig functions, a functionality that you need in Quest 2. On the CBTF website you can see how to access this calculator or you can download the same description here . As always, if you have any questions during the quest, ask the proctors.
Remember that you take the Quest at the Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF), located in the basement of Grainger Engineering Library, room 57.
For more information on Quests and what to expect when taking a Quest, please look at this overview and the Student Expectations and Procedures from CBTF.
Homework - last chance to make up missed assignments!
There is now a last chance to finish homework assignments that you may have missed. All assignments, HW1a, ..., HW8a, HW1b, ..., HW8b, have a third deadline of Wednesday 12/13 at 11:30PM. If you complete the assignments or any part of them before this deadline, you can receive up to 50% of the original score. Please note that for the mastery assignments, if you have used all your four attempts at a given level, you cannot resubmit answers to questions in this level.
Please see the course description for an explanation of how this course works. It may seem complicated at first, but all the pieces do work together to enhance understanding. The course description also gives important details on our policies for missed exams, and quizzes. Also, please consult the syllabus to help you keep track of what is due when.
We will be using i>clickers in every lecture. You can use either the older v1 or the newer v2 i>clickers. If you have not already done so, please register your clicker by clicking here and follow the instructions. Having another student answer questions using your clicker is considered cheating.
Excused Absences
The only course components eligible to be issued a grade of EX are discussions, labs and exams (except for the final). Please submit your excused absence no later than 10 business days from your absence via the Excused Absences application. For more information, please read the course description page.
Safety Announcements
Please read and become familiar with the Emergency Response Recommendations issued by the University.
For reference, Emergency Response Script read by your lecturer during the first lecture is also available.
Tutorial on derivatives
A tutorial on derivatives (as used in this course): Download PowerPoint or Follow this link.