PHYS 100 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Exam Information
General Information
Review the course schedule for the exam dates.
Exams will take place at the Computer-based Testing Facility (CBTF).
Exam scores will be posted in the student gradebook.
Midterm Exam
The PHYS 100 Midterm Exam (as all exams in PHYS 211 - 214) is a 2-hour multiple-choice exam.
Preparing for the midterm: we recommend that YOU work through the following old exams:
The PHYS 100 Midterm Exam is similar to the first hour exams given in PHYS 211, excluding questions that involve circular motion and universal gravity.
Final Exam
The final exam is a 3 hours long and covers material from the whole semester.
For the PHYS 100 Final Exam we strongly recommend that you thoroughly review your midterm exam and work through the following exams: