Some of the on-line activities (homework, gradebook, etc.) for this course run on a secure
server and must be logged into. Students enrolled in (and staff associated with) the
course must log in using their UIUC NetID and their NetID password
(this is the same id and password used to access the U of I Direct registration system,
computers at CCSO sites, and the CCSO dial-up system). If you are enrolled in the course
and are having trouble logging in, send email to dkane@uiuc.edu.
If you are not enrolled, you can log into many of the secure activities using guest/phyug
(the word "guest" followed by a forward slash "/" followed by
"phyug") as your NetID and guest as your password. (Enrolled students
should avoid using the guest login since credit is not recorded for guest.) You should
always log out of the secure server at the end of your work session. Secure server
Log In and Log Out links are located at the bottom of this and subsequent menu pages.