PHYS 101 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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If you wake up feeling sick, do not come to class. Please seek medical assistance and focus on recovering.
For more information about absences due to illness, see What do I do if I am sick?
Week 6 (2/24-28) Congratulations on completing Test 2. We will open the test questions for you to review in PrairieLearn early this week. Test 3 will cover topics from Lectures 8-11.
Here is a summary of our schedule and deadlines for Week 6:
- Class Meetings
- Lectures 10 and 11 (energy)
- Discussion 6
- Lab 4
- Online assignments
- [smartPhysics] Prelectures and Checkpoints 10 and 11
- [smartPhysics] Homework 5 is due at 8am on Thursday, February 27
- [smartPhysics] Prelab 4 is due at 8am on the day your lab meets
- Action items
- [James Scholar Students] Start to work to identify your project topic or article
- If you are looking for individual feedback or advice after Test 2: Talk to your TA and/or arrange a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ansell
- If you are looking for extra help after Test 2: Come to office hours, connect with Jeffries Center free tutoring, or seek out a private tutor (your TA may be able to connect you with graduate students who are interested in tutoring)
View previous announcements
Quick Links
Getting Started in Physics 101
Recorded Lectures
Formula Sheet
Excused Absences Application
Queue for Office Hours
Schedule with lecture notes and slides, discussion problems, etc
Registering After the First Day of Classes
If you registered after the first day of classes but before the 10th day of classes:
- It is your responsibility to contact your lecturer and organize a plan for make-up work.
- You must do this before the 8th week of classes.
We will be using physical iclickers for participation and bonus points during lecture. You may use any version of the physical clicker (but not the phone app).
You can access the content at and you have full access for the first two weeks free of charge. Sometime in the first two weeks you will need to pay for access by purchasing a code through the UIUC bookstore. Details of how to pay for access are available via pdf.
Students must be on time and prepared for discussion. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late for discussion will receive a grade of 0% on the discussion group assignment of the day and will not be permitted to take the quiz.
- For each discussion section (including the first section) you must have your:
- Laptop or tablet
- Paper and writing utensils
- Calculator
- You will work with a group and upload your discussion problems to GradeScope for grading.
- You will take an individual quiz in class on PrairieLearn
- Quiz retakes will be offered on the following Monday
- Quizzes are timed but not proctored - you may take your quiz wherever is convenient for you
- You must have taken the first quiz in class to be eligible for a retake grade
- Your final quiz grade will be 70% your highest score and 30% your lowest score of the two quiz attempts
- You are not required to retake the quiz. If you do not retake, your final quiz grade will be your first attempt grade.
Please review the required materials list to see what you need.
Students must be on time and prepared for labs. All lab sections but one take place in person in 4018 Campus Instructional Facility.
- You will do a hands-on Pre-Lab activity in smartPhysics using your IOLab device before every lab.
- In your weekly lab section you will work in groups to design and understand experiments and experimental data, also using your IOLab device.
- You will upload your lab reports to the gradebook by using this link. You must attend class to receive credit for your lab report.
Excused Absences
Academic Integrity