PHYS 110 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.


You will be able to view your grades on all components of the course using the course gradebook. Check that your lecture participation and safety training are correctly logged in the gradebook.

Any discrepancies found in your student gradebook should be brought to the attention of your instructor immediately.


Your grade in PHYS 110 will be either satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).  There are three required assignments that you must complete  to receive an S:

  1. You must complete the Division of Research Safety online Laboratory Safety Training ( and email the certificate of completion to Check the schedule for the due date.
  2. You must complete a 4-year academic plan, discuss the plan with your peer mentor, and submit the form with your peer mentor's signature to Merissa Milton (
  3. You must participate in 5 (out of 8) lecturesParticipation will be monitored.


Excused Absences

Excused absences will be granted and documented in accordance with University policy as described in Article 1, Part 5 Class Attendance, of the Student Code.

Excused absences fall into the following categories as defined by the code:

The Excused Absences application will guide you through the procedure for documenting missed classes, including the effects of the absence on your grade.

Please submit your excused absence no later than 12 business days from your absence via the Excused Absences application.


Academic Integrity

All activities in this course are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.

Infractions include, but are not limited to:

Violations of any of these rules will be pursued as an incident of academic misconduct and reported to your home college.

All aspects of the course are covered by these rules, including: