PHYS 213 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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**First Class Meetings**
First Lecture meets Monday, March 4
First Discussion meets Tuesday, March 5
First Lab meets Tuesday, March 12
Please see the course description for an explanation of how this course works. It may seem complicated at first, but all the pieces do work together to enhance understanding. The course description also gives important details on our policies for missed exams, labs & quizzes. Also, please consult the syllabus to help you keep track of what is due when.
We will be using i>clickers in every lecture. You can use either the older v1 or the newer v2 i>clickers. If you have not already done so, please register your clicker by visiting Having another student answer questions using your clicker is considered cheating.
Excused Absences
You must have something in writing to be excused from a class. If you are too sick to get out of bed you should call Dial-a-Nurse. You must bring any absence excuses to 231/233 Loomis in person along with a filled "Course absence form" as soon as you return to class.
The deadline for turning in your excuses is within two weeks of the absence. Excuses from the emergency dean must be turned in within one week of the date on the letter. Obviously if you are absent the last week of the semester or have not received your excuse from the emergency dean, you should bring your excuse to us as soon as you receive it.
An EX means that the absence will not count against your grade, but an ABS becomes a zero. Please make sure you know your section(s) and TA name(s) of the classes you missed.
According to the student code that governs the university you may not miss a class to take an exam for another course. The course giving the exam must give a conflict exam. Be sure to arrange for that in advance!