PHYS 213 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Exam Information
Where's My Exam?
Find out by going to
When will I take my exam?
Check the course schedule.
Who will proctor my exam?
Your exam will be proctored by the TA staff for PHYS 213.
May I bring a formula sheet and scratch paper to the exam?
No, a formula sheet and scratch paper will be provided. All papers will be collected at the end of the exam.
What should I bring to the exam?
- a calculator (we follow AP Physics guidelines for allowed calculators)
- a #2 pencil
- student ICard
Mid-term exam Preparation
Peer review sessions: Grainger, Friday 4/6, 6-8 PM in room 433, and Saturday 4/7, 2-4 PM in room 429
Graduate student review sessions: 11AM-1PM April 8, ECEB 1013
Extra practice problems [note that these questions are NOT representative of how much coverage certain topics will have on the actual midterm -- please use prelectures, lectures, homeworks, discussions, and the overview video as your primary studying resources]: extra practice problems / answers
Final Exam
The final exam will be two hours in length and will cover material from the whole semester.
There will be two exam times:
- May 7 at 1:30 PM: Combined
- May 11 at 8 AM: Conflict
For more information see the Office of the Registrar
Final exam Preparation
HKN will be holding their Physics 213 Final Exam Review session Sunday May 6th from 2PM-4PM in ECEB 1013.
Shivesh Pathak (TA for the course) will be holding extra office hours: "I’ll be in the Union lobby sofas near the fish tank on May 3 from 10AM - 12 PM, 2PM - 6PM. Students can ask me any questions they have about PHYS 213 material or material for any other physics/math class they have."