PHYS 214 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tutoring Resources


CARE (Center for Academic Resources in Engineering) tutors are undergraduate engineering students who’ve mastered course material in a set of particular courses and are eager and excited to help you gain a better understanding of the material by sharing best practices and problem solving techniques that will help you successfully complete your courses.

View the tutoring schedule by course.

Physics Tutors

The physics department maintains a list of individuals and their qualifications who are interested in tutoring for a fee. View the tutoring list.

Office of Minority Student Affairs’ Academic Services Center

The Office of Minority Student Affairs' (OMSA) Academic Services Center (ASC) offers free tutoring and academic services. Matched and drop-in tutoring along with Supplemental Instruction (SI), collaborative learning/study groups, and academic skills workshops are among the services featured in the OMSA ASC. OMSA's services are designed to help students achieve in college. The level of rigor at the University of Illinois is different than in high school or community college. No matter how you performed before attending Illinois, there is always room to examine and hone your study skills. To earn more about these services, visit or stop by the OMSA ASC located at 701 South Gregory Street, Suite I, Urbana, IL 61801.

To make the most of your tutoring and workshop session(s):