PHYS 214 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Grading

Course grading will proceed in compliance with University policy as given in Article 3, Part 1 of the Student Code.


You will be able to view your grades on all components of the course using the course gradebook. Check that your lab and quiz grades are correctly entered in the gradebook.

Any discrepancies found in your student gradebook should be brought to the attention of your section instructor immediately.


Your final grade for Physics 214 will be based upon your total score on all the components of the course. The total possible score is 1000 points.

Course Component Number of Assignments Number Dropped per Semester Maximum Points per Semester
Prelecture 10 1 10
Lecture (i>clickers) 20 5 15
Homework 6 0 115
Online Quizzes 6 0 30
Discussion Quizzes 6 1 145
Labs 4 0 145
Mid-Term Exam 1 0 200
Final Exam 1 0 340

Final Grade

Because the scores for portions of this course are typically high (e.g., web-based homework, online quizzes, quizzes, and labs) the following approximate cutoff table will be used to calculate final scores.

Final Grade Minimum Points
A+ 950
A 920
A- 900
B+ 880
B 860
B- 835
C+ 810
C 780
C- 750
D+ 720
D 690
D- 610
F <610