PHYS 326 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Course Description

General overview

The format of the course is very like that of last semester's Phys 325. See below for specifics on homework,  exams and discussion sections. Phys 326 will include material on multi-degree of freedom coupled linear oscillations, rotations of 3-d rigid bodies, a bit of chaos and nonlinear dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics, and some continuum mechanics including waves in solids and fluids. See the schedule for details.


Reading the indicated sections before class will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the material of the lecture before the lecture is presented. Lectures tend to be much more clear when you have skimmed the material before hand.


Lecture attendence will be kept via clickers. Lecture attendance will be worth 1% of your final grade. Please remember to bring your clicker to each lecture. Official lecture notes will be posted at the course website after each class. 

Please review the section information for lecture times this semester.

Discussion problem sessions

When registering for this course, you registered for a problem session, which will take place weekly. Because space is limited, please be sure to go to the section for which you are registered. Attendance at these problem sessions is mandatory, and participation is worth 5% of your grade. You must show up on time to receive full credit. We'll take 15% off the credit for each 5 minutes of being late. If you are late by more than 30 minutes you will not receive credit. After class you will be able to access the problem session materials through the course schedule page.

Please review the section information for problem sessions scheduled this semester.


Homework is an essential part of this course and accounts for 24% of your grade. The homework will be assigned (and made available online) at the end of the each Tuesday lecture and will cover the lecture material of that week. Like last semester, HW is broken into parts A and B. I will collect your solutions at the beginning of lecture one week later. Please hand in your HW with the assignment stapled as a cover sheet on the front. You may also place your completed homework in the yellow PHYS 326 box located at the beginning of the second floor "Interpass" in Loomis, but it must be in the box by 11:00 am on the Tuesday that it is due to receive full credit. Late work will be marked down by 15% each day that it is late and will not be graded if it is more than one week late. If you do hand in your HW late, email the graders to tell them when you did so, otherwise it will be assumed to have been deposited just before the grader checked the box.

I don't object to people working on the homework problems together as long as the work that you hand in for grading is your own. Specifically, do not hand in work that is obviously copied. All work must be your own, with your own reasoning and working. Partial credit will be awarded on homework and exams, so please write out your problems neatly showing all steps and writing IN WORDS what you are doing and your reasoning. This will allow the graders to assign partial credit, and point out where you have made errors. I strongly recommend that you thoroughly struggle with the problems yourself first before you seek out help. You'll learn more this way and you'll do better on the exams when you're on your own. Trust me on this one.

You are free to use computer software such as Mathematica, Maple, or Matlab to complete your homework problems. However, do not turn in output from these programs, unless a problem specifically asks for it (i.e. plots or code). You will not have this capability on the final exam, so I suggest that you use these resources wisely and do not rely on them to do simple algebra, or solve simple differential equations.

You will be able to access the homework assignment through the course schedule page in case you do not get it in the lecture.


There will be two (probably in-class) midterm exams worth  17.5% each and one final exam worth 35%. For all exams, no calculators or computers will be allowed. No notes will be allowed. Formula sheets will be provided and will be posted in advance of the exam. No homework will be due the week of the exam.

Dates will be announced. Please check the course schedule for full details.

Academic integrity

The giving of assistance to or receiving of unauthorized assistance from another person, or the use of unauthorized materials during University Examinations can be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the University.

Please be aware that prior to or during an examination the instructional staff may wish to rearrange the student seating. Such action does not mean that anyone is suspected of inappropriate behavior.

Searching the internet for material relating to solutions to problems you are working is prohibited. You are on your honor to hold to this. I will only permit information you can find in textbooks and reference works such as calculus texts or tables of integrals and special functions. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disciplinary action.

All activities in this course, including documentation submitted for petition for an excused absence, are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.