Design Like a Physicist
Physics 398DLP, Spring 2022
3 credit hours
Face-to-face (but masked!), Friday afternoons, 1 pm - 5 pm, in Loomis 276.
Note that we'll meet online, via Zoom, during the first week of the semester.
Dean Bashir has asked faculty to distribute to students the information linked here.
Course staff and office hours
Instructor: George Gollin, Professor of Physics.
• Office: Loomis 437d, (217) 333-4451. (Take note: I will be avoiding trips to campus
as much as possible this semester.)
• Office hours: on demand, by appointment. I may do these via Zoom.
In addition, each group will have a 30-minute meeting with course staff every week so we can monitor your progress.
Teaching assistant/grader: Shubhang Goswami.
• Office: TBA.
• Office hours: on demand, by appointment.