PHYS 401 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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- Post-spring-break COVID-19 procedures, updated 3/23
- Lectures will be at the regular time via Zoom ( starting 3/23. For the benefit of students who cannot attend this time, video recordings will be made available on MediaSpace.
- For labs (at least Hall Probe, then TBD) the TAs will post a brief video of the lab setup and procedures (on MediaSpace) and a set of data to analyze for the report (at \\engr-file-03\PHYINST\APL Courses\PHYCS401\Common\Data_Spring2020\).
- Starting with Hall Probe, lab reports for all sections are now due on Thursday nights. Torsional oscillator labs are still due on the usual dates.
- Survey: Please fill out this survey so that we can get a sense of what resources you will have available, and feel free to contact Prof. Filippini with questions.
- VPN Access Access to the campus file server directories, lab PCs, and Citrix from off campus requires use of the campus VPN system. This allows you to use your NetID to set up a secure network connection to campus, so that your machine looks like it's on the campus network. To install the client software, see instructions here.
- Analysis tools: If you are unable to access Origin remotely, you are welcome to use other analysis tools with similar capabilities for fitting and plotting (e.g., Matlab, Python (Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib), R, ...). Unfortunately we cannot provide support or template files for these tools. If you develop your own templates for these tools, however, please share them with Prof. Filippini for future terms.
- Be sure to review the class policy before the first day of class.
- Lectures will be held on Mondays, 3:30 - 4:20 pm in 276 Loomis Laboratory.
- Note that there is NO LECTURE MON 1/20 (MLKjr day)...
- ... but LABS BEGIN 1/21!
- Our preferred data analysis tool is the Origin Pro software package.
- The latest version of OriginPro is available for free at the U of I Webstore Any vaguely recent version is acceptable.
- Origins is Windows software. If you use a different OS, you can run Origins via Citrix (no local installation), or using a virtual machine such as VirtualBox (free), VMWare (free through campus webstore), or Parallels.
- The software is installed on the computers in ESB 6103, and the install file and serial number are also on each computer.
- Working with Origin 8.6.pdf is a simple introduction to how use Origin for data analysis and presentation.
- Origin 2017 tutorial - download; This website has a video tutorial on how to fit data with a user-defined function.