PHYS 427 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Course Description


Two 300-level physics courses or consent of the instructor.


 An Introduction to Thermal Physics by Daniel V. Schroeder 


Please check the course website each day for announcements, assignments, solutions and class notes.   The notes are handwritten but hopefully readable.   While I will try to post all the relevant material,  P427 is not an online course and you should attend class.  On Wednesday's there will be a quiz.

Homework and Quizzes

Homework will be assigned on Monday and will be due the following Monday.  Assignments will be returned with the solutions one week after that.   Please deposit assignments in the PHYS427 mailbox in the Loomis-MRL interpass.  Late assignments will be marked down 20% for each day beyond the due date.    The homework sets must be clearly written.  There will also be a quiz at the end of each Wednesday lecture.   There will be one midterm and a final.


Course Component   Percentage of Grade
Homework   30
Exam 1   20
Quzzes   20
Final Exam   30

General Information

 There are also other excellent texts available that offer different perspectives.  The books on reserve in the library are listed below, with some comments I hope you find useful.

Physics cannot be learned by reading alone.  You need to do homework problems or you won't learn the subject.