PHYS 436 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Lectures take place from 9-9:50 am on MWF in 144 Loomis.

Optional Mandatory Attendance

Phys 436 students can elect to receive up to 10% of the total points in the course by attending the lecture. Please indicate your preference in the physics gradebook by Febuary 4th, 2025. After February 4th, your response is final and you cannot change it. We will start taking attendance on Wednesday, January 29th.

To participate in the attendance program, you will need to get the iClicker app on your phone and register for the course using this link ( and with your Illinois email address. It is free to use the iClicker app for attendance.


One homework set will be assigned each week. It will be posted on Friday on the course syllabus and will be due at midnight on the subsequent Friday. Homework will be handed in, graded, and returned using Gradescope. Please create a Gradescope account, if you do not have one already, and use code DKN24W to add Phys 436.

Late homework: A 30% penalty will be charged for late homework handed in by midnight on the Friday a week following the deadline. After that time, no credit will be given.


Discussion sections take place on Tuesday evenings in the Campus Instructional Facility. The purpose of the discussion is not just to make you work another problem, but to get you in the habit of discussing physics with other people, which in practice is an important part of how science gets done. The expectation is that you will work the problem during your discussion section, and not before or afterward. Grading is pass-fail and based on both how well you did on the problem and whether you participated. The first discussion meets the second week of class, Tuesday, January 28th.


There will be two in-class hour exams as indicated on the course syllabus. The exams will be open book, meaning you can bring any static print materials including the text, printouts of lecture notes, homeworks, or a pre-prepared equation sheet of your own making. Electronic devices of any sort are not permitted. Calculators will be neither allowed nor needed.