UIUC Course: Phys 466/MatSE 485 / CSE 485
Atomic-Scale Simulations

Spring 2013

MWF 3:00--3:50 136 Loomis Lab

D. Ceperley (Physics)


THE OBJECTIVE is to learn and apply fundamental techniques used in (primarily classical) simulations in order to help understand and predict properties of microscopic systems in materials science, physics, chemistry, and biology.

THE EMPHASIS will be on connections between the simulation results and real properties of materials (structural or thermodynamic quantities), as well as numerical algorithms and systematic and statistical error estimations.

FOR WHOM? This class is oriented for graduate or advanced undergraduate atudents. All necessary concepts at developed in the course. A course project is required (see Teams and Projects in navigator bar).

Prof. David Ceperley TA:  ChangMo Yang and Ray Clay
E-Mail:  ceperley E-Mail:  dcyang2 , rcclay2
Office:  2-107 ESB Office:  1st floor, Loomis Lab (Outside Room 141)
Office hour:  by appointment Office hours:  Thursday 6pm, Friday 11am