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In this section, we explicity compute the gradient and Laplacian of the
determinant of the trial wave function. In particular, we seek
![\begin{displaymath}\nabla [\ln \det(A)],
\end{displaymath}](img54.gif) |
(19) |
where A is either the up or down matrix. To simplify
the analysis, we will initially work again in terms of components.
represent the derivative with respect to a single
component of the 3N dimensional
R. Trivially, then,
![\begin{displaymath}\partial_i \ln[\det(A)] = \frac{1}{\det A} \partial_i \det (A)
\end{displaymath}](img56.gif) |
(20) |
At first glance, taking the derivative of a determinant appears a
daunting task. Considerable simplification is possible with the
following simple relation, which we state without proof:
![\begin{displaymath}\partial_i \det(A) = \det(A) \,\text{Tr}\,[A^{-1} \partial_i A]
\end{displaymath}](img57.gif) |
(21) |
![\begin{displaymath}\partial_i \ln [\det(A)] = \,\text{Tr}\,[A^{-1} \partial_i A]
\end{displaymath}](img58.gif) |
(22) |
Given this form, we are left with the calculation of the the elements
The elements of A are just
(23) |
It is quite easy to see that the elements of the derivative matrix will
be zero unless
Then the derivative matrix will
have a single non-zero column. By taking advantage of symmetry, we can
calculate the x, y, and z components simultaneously by directly
If we make the substitution,
(24) |
will be radially symmetric in
these vector operators are translationally invariant,
(25) |
If we work in spherical coordinates,
will be independent of
We can then express the gradient as
(26) |
represent the unit vector in the direction of
Written in terms of
the orbitals take the form,
(27) |
The derivative takes the form
and furthermore,
The total Laplacian will be a sum of the Laplacian's with respect to
each electronic coordinate,
ri. Let i represent a particular
component of the 3N dimensional vector,
R, eg. the x component
r4. Then we have that
actually denotes the Laplacian of the components
of the matrix A.
For the latter term, we utilize the fundamental property of inverses,
Using this new relation
Now, to calculate the Laplacian with respect to
rm, we sum over
the three components, j, of the
![\begin{displaymath}\nabla^2_{{\mathbf r}_m} \ln[\det(A)] = \,\text{Tr}\,[A^{-1} ...
...,z\}} \,\text{Tr}\,[(A^{-1}(\partial_{{\mathbf r}_m^j} A))^2],
\end{displaymath}](img94.gif) |
(33) |
rmj refers to the
component of
We already have the first derivative of A, which we found in the
gradient part of the calculation. Next we calculate the Laplacian
of the compoents of A. Specifically, we seek
We have that
(34) |
What remains is the Laplacian of the molecular orbitals,
respect to
rl. If we make the definition,
we recognize that
spherically symmetric. Differential operators are invariant under
translations, so we simplify the calculation our calculation by
exploiting this translational invariance
The first derivative of the molecular orbitals were computed earlier in
this paper, so we finally turn to computing the second derivative of the
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Up: Local Energy Calculation of
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Nichols A. Romero