PHYS 486 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Contact Information
All email addresses end with ""
- Prof. Wolfgang Pfaff, email: wpfaff
- Teaching Assistants:
- Junyi Cao, email: junyic6
- Luis Daniel Hidalgo, email: juisdh2
- Graders:
- Hao Zhang, email: haoz17
- Zijun Wang, email: zijun4
- Wenhan Hua, email: wenhanh2
- Samihr Hermes, email: shermes2
Office Hours
Office hours start in week 2.
- Wolfgang Pfaff: Thursday 12pm-1pm, 204 MRL (up the stairs from MRL main entrance)
Please come to my OHs mainly for conceptual understanding questions (about lecture or otherwise) or anything regarding logistics. If possible, try to refer to the Graders for concrete homework help, and the TAs for discussion. - Zijun Wang: Mon, 2-3pm, Loomis 275
- Luis Daniel Hidalgo: Tue, 12-1pm, Loomis 275
- Samihr Hermes: Wed, 10-11am, Loomis 279
- Hao Zhang: Wed, 4-5pm, Loomis 279
- Junyi Cao: Thu, 2-3pm, Loomis 258
- Wenhan Hua: Fri, 3:30-4:30pm, Loomis 271
Email rules
Please stick to these to make sure your email won't fall through the cracks somewhere.
Emails will typically be answered within a business day (unless announced otherwise).
- Use your official University of Illinois email account.
- Put "PHYS486"in the subject line and include some words about the subject of your email. For example: "PHYS486: question about homework". This one is important. Your email may not the filtered correctly otherwise, and get lost or ignored.
- Include your full name somewhere in your email message (for instance, as a signature).
- Please check the schedule to see when assignments are due, and the home page for any announcements.
- Check if your request has already been answered elsewhere, like the website or a massmail.