PHYS 487 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Contact Information
Our main communication tool is Campuswire. Announcements will also be posted on Campuswire. You can email me, of course, but I am planning on using Campuswire instead of Massmails whereever possible.
Office Hours
Office hours start in week 2.
- TA office hours and homework help: Mondays, 3pm - 6pm (Loomis 158).
- Prof. Pfaff holds additional office hours by appointment, Thu, 2-3pm, in MRL 204. Please send a message if you'd like to talk and let me know the topic in advance.
All email addresses end with ""
- Prof. Wolfgang Pfaff, email: wpfaff
- Teaching Assistant:
- Billy Passias, email: passias2
- Graders:
- Zijun Wang, email: zijun4
- Suhas Sheik, email: suhas3
Email rules
Please stick to these to make sure your message can get filtered correctly. Messages may get lost or responses may be delayed otherwise.
Emails will typically be answered within a business day (unless announced otherwise).
- Use your official University of Illinois email account.
- Put "PHYS487"in the subject line and include some words about the subject of your email. For example: "PHYS487: question about homework".
- Include your full name somewhere in your email message (for instance, as a signature).
- Please check the schedule to see when assignments are due, and the home page for any announcements.
- Check if your request has already been answered elsewhere, like the website or a massmail.