Sir Isaac Newton

Physics 496

Communicating in Physics—Writing Papers and Giving Talks few went to hear Him, & fewer yt understood him,
yt oftimes he did in a manner, for want of Hearers, read to ye Walls.

                —Humphrey Newton, about Sir Isaac Newton

link to course home page link to course syllabus link to lecture notes link to homework assignments link to writing workshop assignments link to tools and online resources link to Ms. Particular's micro-lectures on style and usage

Lecture/Discussion 2:00–4:50 p.m., Fridays, 158 Loomis       Zoom Link

Taylor L. Hughes
2115 Engineering Sciences Building,

Celia M. Elliott
(remote), (217) 244-7725,

Jessica L. Raley
290Z Loomis Laboratory of Physics,

Group Email (goes to all three instructors)

Syllabus—General Course Information (please read!)

Class Schedule

Materials for In-Class Activities

Summary of Assignments

PHYS 496 Gradebook (requires authentication)

Assignment Uploads in my.physics (requires authentication)


Welcome to PHYS 496! Our first class will meet on Friday, August 30, promptly at 2:00 p.m. in Room 158 Loomis Laboratory of Physics. The class is available only to students who are registered for PHYS 496.

Each Wednesday (Thursday if she forgets), Celia will send an email message to your UIUC official email account, previewing that week's class activities. Please be on the lookout for that email, as it will often contain information that you should know or review before coming to class.