TAM 212: Dynamics

General Info

Grades Formal Assessment Contact Info
Lectures Grading Discussions Office hours
Website TAM 2XX Policies   Online forum
Course description      
Reference text      



Prof. Katie Matlack: MWF, 3-4pm, Materials Science & Eng Bld | Room 100

Click for Lecture Notes

Website: The official class website is http://courses.engr.illinois.edu/tam212/

Description: Kinematics and dynamics of the three-dimensional motion of particles; kinematics and dynamics of the plane motion of rigid bodies; methods of work/energy and impulse/momentum; moving reference frames.

Prerequisites: TAM 210 or TAM 211.

Reference Texts: Dynamics reference pages

Alternative Texts:

  • R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 13th edition, Prentice Hall, 2012, ISBN 0132911272, (Amazon).
  • G. Gray, F. Costanzo, and M. Plesha, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009, ISBN 0077275543(Amazon).
  • D. J. McGill and W. W. King, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 4th edition, Tichenor Publishing, 2003, ISBN 0742134938, (Amazon).

Grading: The total score for the course is computed with the following weights.

Online quizzes 40% Online homework 15%
Final Exam 30% Discussion worksheets 10%
In-lecture iClickers 5%    

Retake Quizzes: Optional retake quizzes are available in the week following each first-chance quiz. If you choose to take the retake quiz, the quiz score will be 90% of the higher scores + 10% of the lower score (0.9*max(first_chance_score, retake_score)+0.1*min(first_chance_score, retake_score)). If you do not take the first-chance-quiz, then your score will be 90% of the retake score.

TAM 2XX Policies: General TAM 2XX course policies may be found at: https://mechref.engr.illinois.edu/pol/index.html

Discussion Sections: The discussion section schedule is listed below, and all discussions sections meet in 0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg.

  Thursday Friday
9-10 N/A


Jiaqi M., Ankit S.

  10-11     N/A


11-12 N/A


Jiaqi M., Oviyan R., Ankit S.

12-13 N/A


Jiheng J., Khoi N., Ankit S.



Younghyuk K., Braden C., Alden Y.


Jiheng J., Khoi N., Alden Y.



Jean M. J., Braden C., Alden Y.




Jean M. J., Braden C., Khoi N.



Younghyuk K., Oviyan R.




You are encouraged to bring a tablet or laptop to discussion section to access the online reference pages.

Office Hours: Office hours are held in 2051 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg. Office hours start on Tuesday in Week 2 of the semester.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


5 - 6 pm


Jiheng J.

Oviyan R.

Alden Y.

Jiaqi M.

Ankit S.

Oviyan R.

Jean M. J.

Aryan C.

Ankit S.

Younghyuk K.

Aryan C.

Oviyan R.

Jiaqi M.

Khoi N.


6 - 7 pm


Jiheng J.

Oviyan R.

Alden Y.

Jiaqi M.

Braden C.

Ankit S.

Jean M. J.

Aryan C.

Ankit S.

Younghyuk K.

Aryan C.

Braden C.

Jiaqi M.

Khoi N.

Online forum (Campuswire): TAs and CAs are scheduled to be checking Campuswire on the following days:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jiheng J.

Khoi N.

Jiheng J.

Aryan C.

Jean M. J.

Ankit S.

Younghyuk K.

Aryan C.

Younghyuk K.

Braden C.

Jiaqi M.

Alden Y.

Jean M. J.

Oviyan R.