Below are the course policies for this class. Please read through them and familiarize yourself with the policies regarding course logistics. Details specific to course content can be found on the Info page.
Academic integrity, harassment, and discrimination
Computer-Based Testing Facility
Contact and obtaining help
Special accommodations
- Excuses from assessments will only be given in the following circumstances:
- Illness.
- Personal crisis (e.g., car accident, required court appearance, death of a close relative).
- Required attendance at an official UIUC activity (e.g., varsity athletics, band concert).
- In all cases you must submit your request to "Instructors" using the excused absence form in the home page.
- In cases (a) or (b) an official excuse letter from the Dean on Duty must be submitted via the online form within 2 weeks of the due date of the missed assessment, but no later than reading day. In cases of extended or unusual illness, late submission of excuse documentation will be considered.
- In case (c) an official letter from the designated university official must be submitted via the online form at least one week prior to the due date of the missed assessment.
- Notwithstanding the above, at your professor's discretion you may be required to make up any excused work or attend substitute instruction or assessment.
Academic integrity, harassment, and discrimination: Academic integrity infractions, harassment, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. See the University's Student Code, Article 1, Part 4 and the Campus Conduct Policy. Please report any concerns immediately to your professor.
Academic integrity infractions will be dealt with using the most stringent available counter-measures. All infractions are documented through the campus-wide FAIR database, that remains part of the student's permanent record. All infractions in this database will be referred to the Senate Committee on Student Discipline for review and potential additional sanctions. Typical pentalties in TAM 2XX courses for academic infractions include dropping one course letter grade. Students have been expelled from the university for cheating.
Infractions include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and assisting others in a manner not prescribed or allowed for in the original assignment or directions. Notably, for homework assignments, students are encouraged and allowed to work together. The philosophy is that homeworks are ‘formative’ assessments, meaning they are intended to foster learning. This is in contrast to ‘summative’ assessments, including quizzes and exams, that measure individual student mastery of course concepts, for which students are of course forbidden from assisting each other.
Computer-based testing deserves special mention. This testing is typically given across multiple days. During the entire time period of testing, students are strictly forbidden from discussing any aspect of the test/quiz whatsoever with other students. This includes specifics of questions, general aspects of questions, comments on the difficulty of the quiz, etc. This policy is strictly enforced to preserve the integrity of the computer-based testing.
Notice: CBTF Facilities are closed this summer and quizzes will be administered online via PrairieLearn. However, there will be online proctoring done by the CBTF staff and you must reserve a slot for weekly quizzes. Please visit CBTF website for reservation and further details about online proctoring.
Computer-Based Testing Facility: This course uses the College of Engineering Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF) for its quizzes and exams:
The policies of the CBTF are the policies of this course, and academic integrity infractions related to the CBTF are infractions in this course.
If you have accommodations identified by the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services (DRES) for exams, please take your Letter of Accomodation (LOA) to the CBTF proctors in person before you make your first exam reservation. The proctors will advise you as to whether the CBTF provides your accommodations or whether you will need to make other arrangements with your instructor.
Any problem with testing in the CBTF must be reported to CBTF staff at the time the problem occurs. If you do not inform a proctor of a problem during the test then you forfeit all rights to redress.
Contact and obtaining help: The two main ways to obtain help are online at Piazza, or in person at office hours. You can also speak with your professor briefly after lecture. Please do not send email directly to TAs or professors for routine help or absences.
Gradebook: All assessment scores are stored on Canvas. Any errors in grade reporting appearing on Canvas must be reported to "Instructors" within 2 weeks of the due date of the assessment item or by the last day of class, whichever is earlier.
Lectures: Prompt and regular attendance at lectures is essential for your comprehension and success in the course.
Special accommodations: To obtain disability-related academic adjustments or accommodations, students with disabilities must contact their professor and Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible. Students who require special accommodations for exams should schedule to take their exam at DRES, and DRES staff will communicate with the professor to organize the exam. There is no need to inform the professor about this in advance.