PHYS 403 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

References and links


  1. A.C. Melissinos, Experiments in Modern Physics (Academic Press, 1966, New York)
  2. D.W. Preston and E. R. Dietz, The Art of Experimental Physics (John Wiley, 1990, New York)

General references

  1. F.T. Arecchi and E.O. Schultz-Dubois (editors) Laser Handbook vol. 1, (North-Holland, 1972, Amsterdam)
  2. P.R. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences (McGraw-Hill, 1969, NY)
  3. R.A. Dunlap, Experimental Physics--Modern Methods (Oxford University Press, 1988, New York)
  4. A.G. Frodoson, Probability and Statistics in Particle Physics (Bergen: Universitetsforl., 1979, Bergen)
  5. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th edition (Wiley, 1986, New York)
  6. L. Lyons, Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physics (Cambridge University Press, 1986, Cambridge)
  7. L. L. Marton, Methods of Experimental Physics, Volumes 1-26 (Academic Press, 1952, New York)
  8. Moses, The Practicing Scientist's Handbook (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976, New York)
  9. J. H. Moore, C. C. Davis, and M. A. Caplan, Building Scientific Apparatus (Addison-Wesley, 1983, NY)
  10. R. Morrison, Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation (Wiley, 1977, New York)
  11. J. Strong, Procedures in Experimental Physics (Prentice-Hall, 1947, New York)
  12. Wilson, An Introduction to Scientific Research (McGraw-Hill, 1952, New York)

Nuclear and particle physics techniques

  1. F. T. Avignone, Modern Nuclear Laboratory Course (Columbia University Press, 1975, New York)
  2. H. A. Bethe and J. Ashkin, "The Passage of Heavy Particles Through Matter" in E. Segre,Experimental Nuclear Physics, Vol.1 (Wiley, 1953, New York)
  3. J. B. A. England, Techniques in Nuclear Structure Physics 2 Vol. (Halstead Press, 1974, New York)
  4. R. Evans, The Atomic Nucleus (R. E. Krieger, 1982, Malabar)
  5. T. Ferbel, Experimental Techniques in High Energy Physics (Addison-Wesley, 1987, Menlo Park)
  6. G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement (Wiley, 1989, New York)
  7. W.R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments (Springer-Verlag, 1987,Berlin)
  8. K. Siegbahn, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy (North-Holland, 1974, Amsterdam)

Condensed Matter Physics

  1. F. J. Blatt, P. Schroeder, and C. Foiles, Thermoelectric Power of metals (Plenum, 1976)
  2. C. L. Chien and C. R. Westgate, The Hall Effect and Its Applications (Plenum Press, 1980, New York)
  3. J. McKelvey, Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Harper and Row, 1966, New York)
  4. E. H. Putley, The Hall Effect (Butterworths, 1960, London)
  5. S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd edition (Wiley, 1981, New York)

Low temperature Physics

  1. R. C. Richardson and E. N. Smith, Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics at Low Temperatures (Addison-Wesley, 1988, Redwood City)
  2. A.C. Rose-Innes, Low Temperature Techniques (English Universities Press, 1973, London)
  3. G.K. White, Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics, 3rd edition (Clarendon, 1987, Oxford)
  4. Mendelshonn, Quest for Absolute Zero

Vacuum techniques

  1. A. H. Beck (editor), Handbook of Vacuum Physics (Pergamon Press, 1964, Oxford)
  2. L.G. Carpenter, Vacuum Technology, 2nd edition (Adam Hilger, 1983, Bristol)
  3. S. Dushman, The Scientific Foundation of Vacuum Technology (Wiley, 1962, New York)
  4. G. W. Green, The Design and Construction of Small Vacuum Systems (Chapman and Hall, 1968, London)
  5. G. Lewin, Fundamentals of Vacuum Science and Technology (McGraw-Hill, 1965, New York)
  6. J.F. O'Hanlan, A User's Guide to Vacuum Technology, 2nd edition (Wiley, 1989, New York)
  7. M. Pirani and J. Yarwood, Principles of Vacuum Engineering, (Chapman and Hall, 1961, London)
  8. N.W. Robinson, The Physical Principles of Utra-High Vacuum Systems and Equipment (Chapman and Hall, 1968, London)
  9. A.H. Turnbull, Barton, and J. C. Riviere, An Introduction to Vacuum Technique (Wiley, 1962, New York)

Magnetic resonance

  1. A. Abragam and B. Bleaney, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions (Oxford University Press, 1970, London)
  2. R. S. Alger, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance -- Techniques and Applications (Wiley, 1968, New York)
  3. H. M. Assenheim, Introduction to Electron Spin Resonance (Plenum Press, 1967, New York)
  4. J.W. Orton, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Gordon and Breach, 1968)
  5. G. E. Pake, Paramagnetic Resonance, (Benjamin, New York, 1962)
  6. C.P. Slichter, Principles of Magnetic Resonance 3rd ed., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990)
  7. E. Fukushima & Stephen B.W. Roeder, Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach, (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1981)

Interesting Web Sites

  1. Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST
  2. National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  3. Optics-related links with hundreds of other interesting sites
  4. Nobel Foundation where Nobel Prizes are awarded
  5. Weekly news on physics research and development from American Institute of Physics
  6. Space-related information from NASA
  7. U of I's Illinois EPR Center
  8. U of I's Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory