PHYS 495/ARTS 499 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contact Information

Course Role Name Office Email
Professor Patrick Earl Hammie 143 A&D
Professor Jessica Lorien Raley 290Z Loomis
Professor Nicolas Yunes 249 Loomis
Teaching Assistant Kristen Schumacher 257 Loomis


Contact us through the emails listed above if you have any questions about class structure, organization, or any content presented in the class. Always cc all professors and the teaching assistant on every communication. We will try to respond by the next day (as long as we receive the message before noon on Friday), but please be patient. If you would like one on one support outside of class, we will meet by appointment through Zoom or in person.

Please note the following email rules:

  1. Use your official University of Illinois email account.
  2. Put PHYS 495/ARTS 499 in the subject line and include some words about the subject of your email.
    For example: PHYS 495/ARTS 499: Where can I get access to a miter saw?
  3. Include your full name in your email message.
  4. If your matter is absolutely urgent, mark it “urgent” in the subject line.
  5. Before emailing us about questions regarding class structure or procedures, please check the syllabus and the website to see if the answer you are searching for can be found there.
  6. Before emailing us with a quick question about an activity, consider asking a fellow student first.

Course Communication

Official University e-mail addresses are exclusively used for official electronic communication. When the instructors for this course need to communicate with the students, they will use their official University issued e-mail accounts.

Students are expected to check their University issued e-mail account regularly and act on any communications received. Students are expected to communicate to their instructors using their official University e-mail address. Any e-mail messages sent from non-University e-mail accounts may not be acted upon by instructors, to preserve student privacy.

Additionally, a Slack workspace is available for quick questions and discussion between students. This channel will be managed by the teaching assistant.