Week |
Date |
Assignments due this day |
In-Class Materials |
Supplemental Materials |
1 |
1/15/2024 |
NO CLASS - MLK Jr. Day |
1/17/2024 |
None |
Class 1: slides,
prediction activity 1, prediction activity 2 |
- Mazur, E. (1997). Peer Instruction: A User's Manual. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
2 |
1/22/2024 |
- Read: McDermott, L. C., Rosenquist, M. L., & Van Zee, E. H. (1987). Student difficulties in connecting graphs and physics: Examples from kinematics. American Journal of Physics, 55(6), 503-513. (link)
- Write: Tell me about yourself, your personal goals for taking this course, and hopes/concerns with the course (2 page max: send by 8 AM by email: ekuo@illinois.edu)
Class 2: slides |
- Thacker, B., Kim, E., Trefz, K., & Lea, S. M. (1994). Comparing problem solving performance of physics students in inquiry‐based and traditional introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 62(7), 627-633. (link)
1/24/2024 |
- Read: Carey, S. (1986). Cognitive science and science education. American psychologist, 41(10), 1123. (link)
- Read: ABCs - Introduction + U is for Undoing
- Write: reflection on summary, extensions, questions for readings (See prompts and submit by 8 AM in Canvas)
Class 3: slides |
- Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science education, 66(2), 211-227. (link)
- McCloskey, M. (1983). Naive theories of motion. Mental models, 14(2), 299-324. (link)
- Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer, G. (1992). Force concept inventory. The physics teacher, 30(3), 141-158. (link)
- Clement, J. (1982). Students’ preconceptions in introductory mechanics. American Journal of physics, 50(1), 66-71. (link)
3 |
1/29/2024 |
- Read: Smith III, J. P., DiSessa, A. A., & Roschelle, J. (1994). Misconceptions reconceived: A constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition. The journal of the learning sciences, 3(2), 115-163. (link)
- Write: reading reflection (See prompts and submit by 8 AM in Canvas)
Class 4: slides |
- diSessa, A. A. (2006). A History of Conceptual Change Research: Threads and Fault Lines. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of: The learning sciences (pp. 265–281). Cambridge University Press. (link)
1/31/2024 |
- Read: Sherin, B. L., Krakowski, M., & Lee, V. R. (2012). Some assembly required: How scientific explanations are constructed during clinical interviews. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(2), 166-198. (link)
- Write: reading reflection (See prompts and submit by 8 AM in Canvas)
Class 5: slides, Interview Project Description, Class Interview Activity, Sample Interview Questions |
4 |
2/5/2024 |
- Read: Russ, R. S., Lee, V. R., & Sherin, B. L. (2012). Framing in cognitive clinical interviews about intuitive science knowledge: Dynamic student understandings of the discourse interaction. Science Education, 96(4), 573-599. (link)
- Think: Think about your interview question. Here are some examples. Sample Interview Questions
Class 6: slides |
diSessa, A. (2007). An Interactional Analysis of Clinical Interviewing. Cognition and Instruction, 25(4), 523–565. (link)
2/7/2024 |
- Read: Clement, J. (1993). Using bridging analogies and anchoring intuitions to deal with students' preconceptions in physics. Journal of research in science teaching, 30(10), 1241-1257. (link)
- Read: ABCs - A is for Analogy
- Write: Interview Project Check in (See prompts and submit by 8 AM in Canvas)
Class 7:Class Interview Activity |
5 |
2/12/2024 |
Read about student's beliefs in either Physics or Math:
- Physics: Hammer, D. (1994). Epistemological beliefs in introductory physics. Cognition and instruction, 12(2), 151-183. (link)
- Math: Schoenfeld, A. H. (1988). When good teaching leads to bad results: The disasters of'well-taught'mathematics courses. Educational psychologist, 23(2), 145-166. (link) & Schoenfeld, A. H. (1989). Explorations of students' mathematical beliefs and behavior. Journal for research in mathematics education, 20(4), 338-355. (link)
Class 8: slides |
- Redish, E. F., Saul, J. M., & Steinberg, R. N. (1998). Student expectations in introductory physics. American journal of physics, 66(3), 212-224. (link)
- Madsen, A., McKagan, S. B., & Sayre, E. C. (2015). How physics instruction impacts students’ beliefs about learning physics: A meta-analysis of 24 studies. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 11(1), 010115. (link)
2/14/2024 |
- Elby, A. (2001). Helping physics students learn how to learn. American Journal of Physics, 69(S1), S54-S64. (link)
- Project Due: Interview analysis (submit by 8 AM in Canvas)
Class 9: tutorial3, tutorial4, tutorial6, |
- Hammer, D. (2000). Student resources for learning introductory physics. American journal of physics, 68(S1), S52-S59. (link)
- Hammer, D., & Elby, A. (2003). Tapping epistemological resources for learning physics. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(1), 53-90. (link)
6 |
2/19/2024 |
- Read: Rittle-Johnson, B., & Star, J. R. (2007). Does comparing solution methods facilitate conceptual and procedural knowledge? An experimental study on learning to solve equations. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(3), 561. (link)
- Read: ABCs - C is for Contrasting Cases
- Write: reading reflection
Class 10: slides |
- Schwartz, D. L., Chase, C. C., Oppezzo, M. A., & Chin, D. B. (2011). Practicing versus inventing with contrasting cases: The effects of telling first on learning and transfer. Journal of educational psychology, 103(4), 759.
2/21/2024 |
- Read: Hatano, G., & Inagaki, K. (1986). Two courses of expertise. In H. W. Stevenson, H. Azuma, & K. Hakuta (Eds.), Child development and education in Japan (pp. 262–272). W H Freeman/Times Books/ Henry Holt & Co. (link)
- Read: ABCs - K is for Knowledge
- Write: reading reflection
Class 11: slides |
7 |
2/26/2024 |
- Read: Schwartz, D. L., & Martin, T. (2004). Inventing to prepare for future learning: The hidden efficiency of encouraging original student production in statistics instruction. Cognition and instruction, 22(2), 129-184.
- Read: ABCs - J is for Just-In-Time Teaching
Class 12: slides |
- Kapur, M. (2008). Productive failure. Cognition and instruction, 26(3), 379-424.
2/28/2024 |
- No reading
- Write: Proposal for literature review (topic and initial reading ideas)
Class 13: lit review activity, periscope-ep504, class13 |
8 |
3/4/2024 |
- Read: Greeno, G. J. (2005). Learning in Activity. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (pp. 79–96). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (link)
- Write: reading reflection
Class 14: (Guest Teacher - Hamideh Talafian) |
3/6/2024 |
- Work on your literature review (read some papers!)
Class 15: slides, transcript |
Spring Break (3/11 - 3/15) |
9 |
3/18/2024 |
- Read: ABCs - L is for Listening and Sharing
- Read: Roschelle, J., & Teasley, S. D. (1995). The construction of shared knowledge in collaborative problem solving. In Computer supported collaborative learning (pp. 69-97). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Write: reading reflection v.2
Class 16: slides, transcript |
3/20/2024 |
- Read: ABCs - Y is for Yes I can
- Read: Marshman, E. M., Kalender, Z. Y., Nokes-Malach, T., Schunn, C., & Singh, C. (2018). Female students with A’s have similar physics self-efficacy as male students with C’s in introductory courses: A cause for alarm?. PRPER, 14(2), 020123.
- Bring to class: Your questions about the figures/graphs/statistical tests in Marshman et al. We will go through each table and figure in class. Even if you don't understand everything about the stats, try to understand the main points!
Class 17: slides |
10 |
3/25/2024 |
- Read: ABCs - B is for Belonging
- Read: Binning, K. R., Doucette, D., Conrique, B. G., & Singh, C. (2024). Unlocking the Benefits of Gender Diversity: How an Ecological-Belonging Intervention Enhances Performance in Science Classrooms. Psychological Science, OnlineFirst. (link)
- Write: reading reflection v.2
Class 18: slides |
3/27/2024 |
- Read: Mervis, J. (2022). The toll of white privilege. Science, 375(6584), 952-955. (link)
- Read: Hyater-Adams, S., Fracchiolla, C., Finkelstein, N., & Hinko, K. (2018). Critical look at physics identity: An operationalized framework for examining race and physics identity. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(1), 010132.
Class 19: slides |
11 |
4/1/2024 |
- Read: The Time is Now: Systemic Changes to Increase African Americans with Bachelor's Degrees in Physics and Astronomy, pp. 8-22 only (link)
- Read: Mervis, J. (2022). Can US physics overcome its record of exclusion?. Science (New York, NY), 375(6584), 950-951. (link)
- Read: McGee, E. O. (2020). Interrogating structural racism in STEM higher education. Educational Researcher, 49(9), 633-644.(link)
- Think: Following up from class - Can the 6 elements of the Critical Physics Identity Framework (Hyater-Adams et al., 2018) be connected to the experiences, events, and feelings reported on in "The Toll of White Privilege?"
Class 20: slides |
4/3/2024 |
- Read: ABCs - P is for Participation
- Read: John-Steiner, V., & Mahn, H. (1996). Sociocultural approaches to learning and development: A Vygotskian framework. Educational psychologist, 31(3-4), 191-206.
- Write: reading reflection (assigned by Hamideh)
Class 21: (Guest Teacher - Hamideh Talafian) |
12 |
4/8/2024 |
- No Class - work on your lit review
Class 22: (No Class) |
4/10/2024 |
- Project: Literature Review due
Class 23: slides, transcript |
13 |
4/15/2024 |
- Read: Crouch, C., Watkins, J., Fagen, A., & Mazur, E. (2007). Peer Instruction: Engaging Students One-on-One, All at Once. In Redish, E., & Cooney, P. (Eds.), Research-Based Reform of University Physics (1). College Park: American Association of Physics Teachers .(pp. 1-22 only)(link)
- Read: Hammer, D. (2012). Challenges and possibilities of meaningful assessment in large lecture introductory physics. National Study of Education in Undergraduate Science. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama. (link)
- Work on: Your Lit Review Presentation
Class 24: slides |
4/17/2024 |
- Read: Etkina, E., & Van Heuvelen, A. (2007). Investigative science learning environment–A science process approach to learning physics. Research-based reform of university physics, 1(1), 1-48.
- Work on: Your Lit Review Presentation
Class 25: slides |
14 |
4/22/2024 |
- In Class: Lit Review Presentations (Sam, Maggie, Ellen, Katie, Nirvaan)
Class 26: Lit Review Presentations (Sam, Maggie, Ellen, Katie, Nirvaan) |
4/24/2024 |
- In Class: Lit Review Presentations (Ivan, Spencer, Sarat, Daniela)
Class 27: Lit review presentations (Ivan, Spencer, Sarat, Daniela) |
15 |
4/29/2024 |
- Write: Pick 10 readings from the course and group them together by research methodology (i.e. what kind of research procedure to they use to set up data collection, what kind of analysis, what kind of conclusions, etc?) Create your categories and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each methodological category.
Class 28: slides |
5/1/2024 |
- Write: Pick 10 journal articles from the course and group them together by perspective on teaching and learning (i.e. what factors do they consider, what kinds of theoretical ideas do they focus on, what kinds of instructional implications do they have, etc?). Include the readings that are more theoretical that you might not have included in your research methodology categories (you can include ABCs chapters, but they don't count towards the 10 article count). Create your categories and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective.
Class 29: slides |