PHYS 100 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Required Materials
World Wide Web Information
This course uses the Web extensively. Internet access and a Web browser are required for:
- prelectures, checkpoints, homework (FlipIt)
- your course grade book
- access to lecture slides and to other course information and notices
Computers with appropriate web browsers are available in Technology Services, Engineering Work Stations and housing division computer labs.
Required Materials
- i>clicker Remote
- University of Illinois Physics 100 Thinking about Physics - Lecture Notes, Fall 2019
- University of Illinois Physics 100 Thinking about Physics - Discussion Manual, Fall 2019
Recommended Materials
- Gladding, Selen & Stelzer Classical Mechanics, W.H. Freeman
(this is an inexpensive printed companion to FlipIt Physics for Physics 211, and is suggested but not required).
Optional Materials
- Any edition of Tipler's book "Physics for Scientists & Engineers", W.H. Freeman
(The Tipler textbook has a website with useful study aids: - University of Illinois Physics 211 Exams (many of these exams are also posted online)
- University Physics, a free Open Stax resource