PHYS 101 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Technology and Required Materials
Web Information
This course uses the Web extensively. Internet access and a web browser are required for:
- textbook
- homework (smartPhysics)
- grade book
- access to lecture slides
- access to most class handouts.
- turning in discussion exercises and lab reports (gradescope)
- access to your email inbox
Required Materials
smartPhysics access
Prelectures, Checkpoints, Homework, and Prelab assignments are all in the Physics 101 smartPhysics course. You can access the content at and you have full access for the first two weeks free of charge. Sometime in the first two weeks you will need to pay for access by purchasing a code through the UIUC bookstore. Details of how to pay for access are available via pdf. There is currently no option to purchase the code online.iClicker
Participation in the PHYS 101 Lectures requires the use of iClickers or the iClicker student app. You may choose whether you will use a physical iClicker or the iClicker Cloud app. iClicker remotes may be purchased from a friend or at the bookstore; use of the iClicker student app requires a paid subscription. All students will need to set up a student account on the iClicker website and add themselves to the Physics 101 course to have their Lecture participation recorded correctly.
Internet-Enabled Laptop or Tablet
Course materials are all distributed digitally. You will need an internet-enabled device to access course materials, complete assignments, and turn in group work.
During Discussion and Lab sections you will work with your group on digital documents that you will turn in together. You should plan to bring a web-enabled laptop or tablet to these components of the class so that you can participate in fair and equitable distribution of labor with your group.
Devices are welcome in lecture to support your note-taking. Please be mindful of how these devices may be a distraction to yourself and to your peers and make choices that will support the success of our classroom community.
Students who do not have a working laptop may reach out to the Technology Loaner program to arrange to borrow a laptop from the University.
Prelab and lab assignments will use the IOLab data acquisition system. Your lab group will start using the system during Lab 1. See the Getting an IOLab section below for more details.
Physics 101 uses many different technologies to manage the many components of the course. Below is a table of the technologies and what you need to know about getting set up with them. Please be aware that any systems that auto sync with the roster may take up to 24h to reflect enrollment or section changes.
Name | Purpose | Enrollment method |
my.physics gradebook | Centralized gradebook for Physics 101 | Auto syncs with course roster |
smartPhysics | Web assignment system | Auto syncs with course roster |
GradeScope | Discussion submission system | Manually synced with roster by instructor |
iclicker Student | Lecture polling | Student signs up for account on |
PrairieTest | Make exam reservations | Auto syncs with course roster |
PrairieLearn | Take practice tests; review completed tests | Auto syncs with course roster |
Queue | Track office hour attendance for bonus points | Auto syncs with course roster |
Getting an IOLab
Every student will need to have access to an IOLab device and access to a computer running Windows 8.1 or above or a Mac running OSX 10.13 or above with a USB A port or an appropriate adapter. Your options for IOLab access include:
- Rent a device from Macmillan for the semester. IOLab devices can be rented from the following website:
(NOTE: Use the code SHIPFREE at checkout and the shipping will be free).- If you are buying or renting a device on-line you should do this as soon as possible since shipping can take 1-2 weeks.
- If you have any problems with the Macmillan website or concerns about the delivery of your device you should go to
- Purchase a new or used IOLab from the Bookstore:
- Buy an IOLab from another student on campus
- Arrange to share with a friend or roommate
- Use one of the Course Reserve IOLabs at Grainger Library to complete Prelabs; Arrange with your lab group to share IOLabs in class.
Optional supplementary materials
- "COLLEGE PHYSICS," R. Freedman, et al., W. H. Freedman & Co., 2nd Edition--Electronic Access
- OpenStax College Physics 2e
- OpenStax Algebra and Trigonometry 2e