PHYS 102 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Week 6 (2/24-28) Congratulations on completing Test 2. We will open the test questions for you to review in PrairieLearn early this week. Test 3 will cover topics from Lectures 8-11.

Here is a summary of our schedule and deadlines for Week 6:

  • Class Meetings
    • Lectures 10 and 11 (energy)
    • Discussion 6
    • Lab 4
  • Online assignments
    • [smartPhysics] Prelectures and Checkpoints 10 and 11
    • [smartPhysics] Homework 5 is due at 8am on Thursday, February 27
    • [smartPhysics] Prelab 4 is due at 8am on the day your lab meets
  • Action items
    • [James Scholar Students] Start to work to identify your project topic or article
    • If you are looking for individual feedback or advice after Test 2: Talk to your TA and/or arrange a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ansell
    • If you are looking for extra help after Test 2: Come to office hours, connect with Jeffries Center free tutoring, or seek out a private tutor (your TA may be able to connect you with graduate students who are interested in tutoring)

View previous announcements

Skills Enhancement Opportunity!

Would you like to brush up on your math skills?  New to vectors?  Trig got you down?  
Join us at our Foundational Skills Clinic!  

This weekly clinic will cover topics that are critical to success in physics problems! 

Registration is required so we can make sure you have a seat. 

All are welcome!

Quick Links

Remote policies for in-person students

Formula Sheet

Excused Absences Application

Queue for Office Hours

Schedule with lecture notes and slides, discussion problems, etc




Getting Started in Physics 102

Pandemic and Coronavirus statement

We are attempting to have as normal of a semester as possible during a global pandemic. I think it is important to remember that this is happening in the background of our learning this semester. This pandemic will affect us all in different ways and at different points in time throughout the semester. It is crucial that we are kind and empathetic toward ourselves and each other during this time. We need to be flexible and adaptable and we need to center caring for each other. Try not to compare yourself to others; you don't know what others are or are not going through (this is good advice even when we're not trying to get through a pandemic).

Your health and the health of your family, classmates, and your community is the most important thing. This includes both your physical and mental health. Please take advantage of the assignment drops and makeup opportunities, as well as office hours and campus resources (see our Mental Health page for a list of campus and community resources) as needed. In particular, if you find yourself having difficulty getting out of bed, finding motivation to do daily tasks and assignments, or otherwise are struggling this semester, please reach out to the Student Assistance Center to get connected with University resources that can help you.

Academic Integrity

All activities in this course, including documentation submitted for petition for an excused absence, are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.