PHYS 211 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Welcome to Phys 211!

Final Exam Schedule is now set.  Combined Final is Wednesday 12/13/2023  from 8AM - 11AM.    Conflict Final Exam is Thursday 12/14/2023 from 1:30PM  - 4:30 PM.  

You can find the seating assignments for the combined and conflict exams here.

Email message sent to entire course on August 18th. 

This course has many aspects (lecture, discussion, lab, exams, and lots of online activities). We will use this website as a primary means of providing you with course information.  Please check here first if you have any questions.  You will see many links on the left, hopefully organized in a way that helps you quickly find the information you seek.  I encourage you to look at a couple of links before the course begins.

The schedule link on the left shows a schedule of when the various activities are due.  Please take review this to make your plans for the semester. In particular, note that we have 3 evening (7 - 8:30 pm) exams scheduled.

The required materials link is useful for determining what you will need to purchase and when.  Note that there are options to reduce the cost for everything except the online access code. 

The smartPhysicslink will give you access to the online content (prelectures, checkpoints, homework and prelabs).  You will have free access for the first two weeks, but then will need that online access code.


Below are some notes and links to information based on common questions from students in prior semesters.


You will receive credit for participating in lecture.

Please register your I>Clicker in Detailed instructions can be found at smarticlickerregistration.pdf


You can access the content at and you have full access for the first two weeks free of charge.  Sometime in the first two weeks you will need to pay for access by purchasing a code through the UIUC bookstore.  Details of how to pay for access are available via pdf.


Credit will be given for participating in the discussion section through a written quiz.  Students arriving more than 10 minutes late for discussion will receive a grade of 0% on their quiz.


Students must be on time and prepared for labs.


Excused Absences

Academic Integrity