PHYS 211 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contact Information

Course Role Name Office Phone
Course Director Professor Mats Selen
433 Loomis  
Course Director Professor Liang Yang
465 Loomis  
Discussion Coordinator Katie Crimmins
255 Loomis  
Lab Coordinator Alexey Bezryadin
Course Secretary Sandy Johnson
231/233 Loomis 217-333-4361

Please note the following email rules:

  1. Use your official University of Illinois email account.
  2. Put "PHYS211" in the subject line and include some words about the subject of your email. For example: "PHYS211: problem with gradebook."
  3. Include your full name in your email message.
  4. Please check the syllabus to see when assignments are due, and the home page for any announcements.