PHYS 211 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

i>clicker Information


Participation in the PHYS 211 Lectures now requires the use of "i>clickers". These are radio-frequency remotes, keyed to each individual student, which will allow anonymous (to other students, but not to the staff) responses to questions asked in Lecture. Past research has shown these to be very effective at improving student/lecturer interactions, which in turn are known to improve student learning (which is what we care about) and, consequently, student grades (what you care about).

The bottom line: You need to get one at the bookstore (new or used), and bring it to every lecture (yes, including the first one).


To register your i>clicker (using your netID), please register by visiting:


You will receive one point of credit (out of 1000 total for the course) for every lecture in which you participate using the i>clicker. "Participate" means answering at least 50% of the questions (not necessarily correctly, though) asked in that lecture.

NOTE: Although we encourage you to attend the lecture to which you are assigned (to keep the sizes balanced), you can get clicker credit at any of the lectures on a given day. However, each student can get credit for only one lecture per day. (This means that you should NOT share your clicker with another 211 student -- only ONE student will get the credit.)

The awarded points (before final normalization) should show up (intermittently) in the gradebook.


The batteries should easily last the entire semester. In any event, if they are starting to go, the clicker will flash, letting you know; you should still have enough power for another few lectures after that, i.e., there's no good excuse for not getting new batteries.