PHYS 211 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Exam Information
Where's My Exam?
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Exam Preparation
Exam 3 solutions
Here are versions A-F of Exam 3, along with video solutions:
version A ; version B ; version C ; version D ; version E ; version F
Video solutions [audio works with some browsers, but you can also download and play the videos]: problem 1 ; problem 2 ; problem 3 ; problem 4 ; problem 5 ; problem 6 ; problem 7 ; problem 8 ; problem 9 ; problem 10 ; problem 11 ; problem 12 ; problem 13 ; problem 14 ; problem 15 ; problem 16 ; problem 17 ; problem 18 ; problem 19 ; problem 20 ; problem 21 ; problem 22 ; problem 23 ; problem 24 ; problem 25
Exam 2 solutions
Here is version A of Exam 2, along with the video solutions.
Video solutions [audio works with some browsers, but you can also download and play the videos]: problem 1 ; problem 2 ; problem 3 ; problem 4 ; problem 5 ; problem 6 ; problem 7 ; problem 8 ; problem 9 ; problem 10 ; problem 11 ; problem 12 ; problem 13 ; problem 14 ; problem 15 ; problem 16 ; problem 17 ; problem 18 ; problem 19 ; problem 20 ; problem 21 ; problem 22 ; problem 23
Exam 1 solutions
For studying purposes, here are the versions (A-F) of Exam #1 with answers marked. Video solutions to the problems have been posted to flipitphysics [under Unit 11].
About the Exams
Review the course schedule for the exam dates.
Exam room assignments are made based on the student's discussion section. Attendance is taken by discussion section teaching assistants.
To each exam bring:
- a calculator (we follow AP guidelines for allowed calculators)
- a #2 pencil
- student ICard
Exam scores will be posted in the student gradebook.
Conflict exams will be scheduled for those with a documented University schedule conflict.
Be sure to check your student gradebook for available conflict exam times.
Hour Exams
Three 90 minute multiple-choice exams will be administered.
Each exam is worth 100 points.
This course administers combined hour exams in the evening. This is done in accordance with University policy as described in: Article 3, Part 2. Section 3-202 covering Evening, Midterm and Hourly Examinations of the Student Code.
Students are expected to take the regularly scheduled hour exams.
In accordance with University policy, conflict examinations will be administered for students with the following conflict types (from the Student Code):
- Other examinations, including special examinations, scheduled at a prior date.
- Regularly scheduled performances or rehearsals.
- Regularly scheduled classes, including kinesiology and military.
- Sickness, regular employment, or other extenuating circumstances.
Final Exam
The final exam will be three hours in length and will cover material from the whole semester.
The final exam is worth 200 points.
A combined final exam (for all three lectures) and a conflict exam will be administered.
Exam Retakes
This semester physics 211 will be providing you with the opportunity to retake the first three hour exams using the computer based testing facility ( located in room 57 of the Granger Engineering Library. The goal of providing this retake is first to reduce your anxiety when taking the original exam. Second, if you do poorly on the original exam, it gives you a chance to learn the material, and earn back some (up to 1/2) of the points missed on the original exam. Below are some FAQ about the retakes.
Who should retake the exam?
Although everyone is allowed to retake the exam, it is really intended for students that scored below 65% on the original exam.
How will my retake score be used in calculating my grade?
Your midterm exam score will be the average of your original score, and your retake score. For example if you got a 60% on the original exam, and a 90% on the retake, your grade would be calculated using a score of 75% for the exam.
How do I take the exam?
After the original exam has been scored, everyone will receive a link to sign up for a time at the computer based testing facility.
What is the format of the retake exam?
You will have 90 minutes to complete about 25 multiple choice questions, with some worth 6 points and some worth 3. However, it will all be done using the PrairieLearn computer system. If you took physics 100 in Fall 2017, it is the same system used for the quests. If you are not familiar with the system, you can try some sample questions at . (You may need to click the “add or remove courses” link and add PHYS 211 and then go back to the main screen to access the course.) One important difference is that once you answer all of the questions on a page, you can grade that page to see which questions you got right. However, once graded, you cannot change your answer.
Can I bring my calculator?
The CBTF does NOT allow students to bring their own calculators. You can use the calculator on the computer, and they also have Casio calculators at each workstation to use for the exam.
What if I score worse on the retake?
We will use the average of your retake score and original score in calculating your grade, even if your retake score is lower. Do NOT attempt the retake unless you are confident you can significantly improve your score.