Monte Carlo Simulation of Janus Rods and Comparison to Corresponding RISM Integral Equation Theory Results




Daniel SinkovitsFor being an immense help and providing us with enormous computing power without which we’d have been totally handicapped.

Professor Duane Johnson – For helping us to greatly improve the efficiency of our simulation by proposing a new way to rotate and translate our rods and other suggestions to explore.

Kenneth Schweizer/ Mukta Tripathy – For allowing us to explore their work from a different angle using Monte Carlo Simulation as well as for their valuable comments.

Jeremy McMinnis – For sitting down with us and discussing our drastic project change and helping to decide if it was realistic to accomplish this project.

Suffian Khan – For being an unfortunate occupant of 312G (one of our nearest      neighbours!) so that we could bug him with our assignment problems throughout the semester.








