CS/ECE 374 A: Coursework

Homeworks and solutions

All homeworks are due Tuesday at 8pm. We will post each week's homework at least one full week before the due date; we will post solutions at most a day after the due date. (Links for future homeworks and solutions are placeholders.) Don't forget to read the homework policies!

A LaTeX template is available for typsetting homework solutions.

Exams and solutions

Links for future exams and solutions are placeholders. Only the most common version is posted here; for links to the conflict exams, see the announcements on the main course web page. Don't forget to read the exam policies!

The problem is that we attempt to solve the simplest questions cleverly, thereby rendering them unusually complex. One should seek the simple solution.
— Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (c. 1890)
Thus you see, most noble Sir, how this type of solution bears little relationship to mathematics, and I do not understand why you expect a mathematician to produce it, rather than anyone else, for the solution is based on reason alone, and its discovery does not depend on any mathematical principle. Because of this, I do not know why even questions which bear so little relationship to mathematics are solved more quickly by mathematicians than by others.
— Leonhard Euler, describing the Königsburg bridge problem
in a letter to Carl Leonhard Gottlieb Ehler, April 3, 1736