Writing Workshop (WW) Assignments
These exercises will be completed during class time on the day indicated and uploaded to the my.physics portal at the conclusion of that day's session.
The purpose of WW is to help you improve your critical reading and rhetorical skills, and they will be graded as "showed up and made a sincere effort" = full points; "no show" = 0 points. In addition, your thoughtful and enthusiastic participation in WW and completion of the exercises will contribute to your "participation" points, as shown in the course grading scheme.
The writing workshop assignments are password protected and are available only students enrolled in PHYS 496. Please treat these exercises as confidential; they are not to be reposted or distributed to others outside the class.
WW #1—Finding the Right Word—February 7 Ms. P Solutions
WW #2—Using the Right Word—February 14 Solutions
WW #3—Four-Letter Words in Science Writing (no, not those words)—February 21 Solutions
WW #4—Ambiguous Pronouns—February 28 Solutions
WW #5—Them Thar Indirect Openings—March 14 Solutions
WW #6—The Three-Preposition Rule (3PR)—April 4 Solutions
WW #7—Making Verbs Work —April ll Solutions
WW #8—Parallel Construction—April 18 Solutions
WW #9—Shooting for "Shorth"—April 25 Solutions
WW Bonus—Putting it All Together Editing Ms. P Style **Bonus** (25 pts)—Submit by May 9