Sir Isaac Newton
 Physics 496
 Communicating in Physics
  Spring 2025

link to course home page link to course syllabus link to lecture notes link to homework assignments link to writing workshop assignments link to tools and online resources link to Ms. Particular's micro-lectures on style and usage

Homework Assignments

All assignments have posted due dates and times, and extensions will not be granted except in extraordinary circumstances. Points will be deducted for assignments turned in after the posted deadline. Some assignments, as noted, will be eligible for additional rewrite points if they have been submitted by the deadline. An assignment summary lists the course components and points for each assignment.

Turn in homework assignments by uploading to the my.physics secure portal by the posted deadline.

Scroll down the page for instructions for Colloquium Reports.

  1. Understanding a Paper using Active Reading       Due January 31

  2. Title and Abstract      Due February 7

  3. Best Practices for Technical Presentations      Presented in Class February 14

  4. Explaining Physics Concepts to Nonscientists—Draft      Due February 21

  5. Explaining Physics Concepts to Nonscientists—FINAL     Due February 28

  6. Peer Review     Due March 7     Review Criteria

  7. Short Science Talk—Draft Slides      Due March 14

  8. Short Science Talk      Present during class on March 28

  9. Evaluating Figures & Figure Captions     Due April 4    Grading Rubric

  10. Making Your Own Figures and Captions      Due April 11

  11. Scientific Posters--Draft   Due April 18   Poster Template   Criteria
  12. Scientific Poster--FINAL      Due April 25

  13. Scientific Poster      Present during class on May 2

All homework assignments are due by 9:00 p.m. on the due date, unless otherwise indicated, and are to be uploaded to the portal on my.physics. Consult the instructions for individual assignments for exact deadlines and eligibility for rewrite points.

Colloquium Reports

In addition to the homework assignments shown above, students are required to attend two departmental colloquia or appropriate  special lectures (check with Celia on suitability of lectures other than Physics or Astronomy colloquia) of their choice during the semester and submit a written report of each.

The deadlines for receipt of colloquium reports are as follows:

Report #1—Due by 9:00 p.m., Friday, February 21; rewrites will not be accepted after Friday, March 21  
Report #2—Due by 9:00 p.m., Friday, April 4; rewrites will not be accepted after Thursday, May 8

Late reports will be downgraded. No colloquium reports (initial or rewrites) will be accepted after May 8..

The reports are worth 50 points each. Reports should be uploaded to the portal on my.physics when complete. Early submissions will be gratefully accepted.

Colloquium report template