Celia Elliott's Field Guides
Capitals and Acronyms in Physics
Writing Numbers in Technical Documents
Hyphens, Dashes, and Minus Signs (more than you ever wanted to know)
Using Latin Terms in Scientific Writing
Celia Elliott's Technical Writing Rules for Physics Students
Technical Writing and English Usage
The AIP Style Manual, 4th ed. (THE authority for physics papers)
Physical Review Style and Notation Guide (THE authority for the Phys. Rev. journals)
Write with purpose: what do you want your paragraph to do? (Very useful guide to paragraph styles)
ANSI/NISO Guidelines for Abstracts
Chart of Proofreader's Marks (from AIP)
Oxford English Dictionary ("the definitive record of the English language" according to them, but note that US English spelling and usage may differ—we colonials have our own rules)
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and Thesaurus (arbiter of US English spelling, even though they give "advisor" as an alternative spelling for "adviser," which Ms. Particular particularly deplores)
George L. Trigg's Advice for PRL Authors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 747 (1979). [Bragging rights if you can explain why Professor Trigg's #12 is incorrect.]
Not available online, but highly recommended for your library if you're serious about writing well:
The Elements of Style, William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, 4th ed. (New York, Longman, 2000).
Garner's Modern American Usage, Bryan A. Garner (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003).
Authoritative, comprehensive, and funny. Ms. Particular agrees with Garner about 98 percent of the time, but he is
occasionally wrong.
The Careful Writer, Theodore Bernstein (New York, Atheneum, 1965). Old but timeless.
The Synonym Finder, J.J. Rodale (Emmaus, Pennsylvania, Rodale Press, 1978). Some synonyms provided are too colloquial for scientific writing, but a good spur when you get stuck for exactly the right word.
TeX and LaTeX Resources
"Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e" (109 pp)
LaTeX Project (includes a searchable "bugs" database)
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (provides the most complete and up-to-date TeX-related software)
Visual Display of Quantitative Data
Graphing Resources (from North Carolina State University and the National Science Foundation) "Revising your Visuals" is particularly useful
"Introduction to Refereeing" (from the Institute of Physics)
Citation Managers
Comparison of reference management software systems
Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism
The Plagiarism Spectrum—comprehensive resource that defines the various degrees of plagiarism to help you avoid inadvertent plagiarism
A Student's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use
Research Integrity
Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research for Physics Students—The Department of Physics' statement of its commitment to research integrity and ethical guidelines for beginning researchers